Vocabulary Terms Covered in this Activity Key Vocabulary Vocabulary Terms Covered in this Activity indicator sustainable See Teacher Resources III: Literacy for more information on key vocabulary and the most effective strategies to enhance student vocabulary learning. Note that bold words are formally defined in this activity. Words in regular font are used in the activity, but not formally defined. The definition of a key vocabulary word should not be discussed as a class prior to the formal definition being introduced.
What do you know about sustainability What do you know about sustainability? (Take 2 minutes to formulate your own definition with your partner and be ready to share with the class) Sustainability Video http://cleanvideosearch.com/media/action/yt/watch?v ideoId=gTamnlXbgqc&name=What+is+Sustainability %3F+%7C+Mocomi+Kids&uploadUsername=Mocom iKids&hitCount=254263 This class discussion should take approximately 5 minutes.
Sustainability The ability to meet a community’s present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
How would you define the following components of sustainability: Environmental (Natural Resources)? Economic (Money)? Social (A Communities present and future needs)? (Discuss with a partner and be ready to share with the class)
Indicator What is an indicator? (Take 2 minutes to formulate your own definition with your partner and be ready to share with the class) Indicator Video https://app.discoveryeducation.com/learn/video s/5ee76e08-0002-4ef0-ad92-fe9d3117df18/ This class discussion should take 5-10 minutes.
Indicator An observation or calculation that shows the presence or state of a condition or trend. What are some everyday examples of indicators (Discuss with a partner and share with the class)?
What do indicators tell us about regions of the world? Challenge What do indicators tell us about regions of the world? With your partner Identify an indicator that provides information about each of the following. U.S economy South American Tropical Rain Forests The Chesapeake Bay Fish Populations in the Atlantic Oceans
Water Activity Complete the Earth’s Water activity Write down the following questions in your biology notes/vocabulary section. What are the various types of water sources found throughout planet Earth? Identify the various fresh water sources found throughout planet Earth. Where on planet Earth do we find frozen water? What is the water cycle? What are some of your daily uses for freshwater?
World Map
Follow Up questions Using what we’ve learned about Sustainability, why is it important to maintain a sustainable lifestyle? What are some day to day methods for living a more sustainable lifestyle to preserve available freshwater?
Activity 3 Complete Activity 3 at the conclusion of this powerpoint