2007 SPEECH PROJECT PRESENTATION Speaker: 吳宗翰 陳柏偉 Advise: Prof. Lin-Shan Lee Mentor: MNO2 Date:2007/10/4
Outline Overall Tasks Acoustic Model Language Model Normalization Conversion Linux Learning and Findings Future Work Reference
Overall Tasks
Acoustic Model(1/2) Resources hmmset.mmf training. scp
Acoustic Model(2/2) Goal: Retraining hmmset.mmf Difficulties: 1. Error codes 2. Unfamiliar with flags and directories
Language Model Fundamental: corpora .lm Resource: yahoo_news_utf8
Normalization Deal with: 1.Arabian numbers 2.Full cap English Result norm_yahoo_news.txt
Conversion Convert Coding utf8 big5 Difficulties Cause The program aborted when converting The abortion produces no outcome Cause
Segment Fundamental: Separate word from word Difficulties: The command “make”
Learnings and Findings The use of Linux Search in HTKBook/google/discussion board
Future Work Overcome the problems we met when trying to retrain acoustic model Finish language model Add more mixture to improve the identification
Reference PPT used in Speech project 2007 winter: 1. Lin-Shan Lee. “Introduction to Speech Signal Processing”. 2. Meng, Chao-Hong. “Speech Project 2007 Winter”. 3. Meng, Chao-Hong. “Documents”. 4.林光哲. “HTK-based基礎辨識系統”. Linux: 鳥哥的Linux. http://linux.vbird.org/ Perl: http://www.hcchien.org/ HTKBook