9th Grade | Session 1
Session 1: Welcome
Welcome! I have made an important step toward my future success simply by being here today. 3
The FSDF program will help me: Identify my personal strengths and help me set goals for the future. 4
The FSDF program will help me: Discover success secrets of college-going students. 5
The FSDF program will help me: Explore career fields and majors. 6
The FSDF program will help me: Understand ASU admission requirements. 7
The FSDF program will help me: Learn about financial aid, grants and scholarships. 8
The FSDF program will help me: Establish a direct connection to ASU and a valuable support system. 9
{ In today’s session, we will discuss The importance of a college education You and your family’s role in your academic success The key student benefits of going to college Brainstorming your higher education goals Upcoming session topics 6. Program expectations In today’s session, we will discuss
Why is a college education so important? “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela 11
College preparation includes striving to do my best in high school. 12
Let us look at some national high school graduation statistics. 13
What is your guess? What % of high school students in the US will graduate on time with a regular high school diploma? 14
75% Only three out of every four high school students in the country will graduate on time with a regular high school diploma.
1 million high school students failed to graduate in 2010. 16
This means that 5,500 students drop out every single day. 17
Now let us look at Arizona high school student graduation rates. 18
What is your guess? What % of Arizona high school students graduated on time with a regular high school diploma? 19
67% Only two out of every three students graduated on time with a regular high school diploma in 2010. 20
26,000 Arizona high school students failed to graduate in 2010. 21
This means that 145 Arizona high school students drop out every single day! 22
There is good news! 23
Arizona’s high school statistics have improved by more than 5% since 2000! 24
National annual earnings averages If your child doesn’t complete high school, he can expect to earn about $20,241 a year. Just by graduating from high school, he can add $10,000 more a year to his salary. Graduate from a two-year college program with an Associate’s degree? Here’s another $10,000 a year. Graduate from a four-year college with a Bachelor’s degree, and your child’s salary increases to over $56,000 a year. It is pretty simple ... the more education your child receives, the more money he can potentially earn.
Let us do the math … 26
Approximate annual earnings without a high school diploma $20,000 Approximate annual earnings without a high school diploma $60,000 Approximate annual earnings with a degree from a four-year university 27
That is a difference of nearly $40,000 annual income. 28
Multiply this by 40 years of work over a lifetime. 29
$1,600,000 Over a lifetime, the opportunity for income increases with the amount of education a person has. 30
But it is not just about the money. Having a college degree gives me the tools and the freedom to direct my own life. 31
But it is not just about the money. People with college degrees … 32
Have high self-esteem, make healthier choices and create a better future for themselves and their families. 33
Where and when do students learn? 34
Students spend much more time learning at home than at school 15% at school 85% at home
What am I doing now? 36
What are the key student benefits of getting a college education?
Four college motivation factors: Intellectual growth Personal growth Social growth Career preparation Intellectual growth. College gives students an opportunity to grow intellectually. Many students choose to go to college so they can: Learn about a wide range of subjects. Develop their love of knowledge. Study a variety of ideas in depth 2. Personal growth. Those interested in personal growth go to college to help them: Consider what they would like to achieve in their lives Understand themselves better Become well-rounded 3. Social growth. Many students are motivated to go to college so they can: Make new friends and connect with a wide range of people Prepare to take an active role in their families, communities and society as a whole Learn how to get involved politically 4. Career preparation. Students interested in career preparation go to college to: Explore career paths Become professionally competent Gain valuable employment experience and connections. 38
Why I want to go to college Why I want my child to go to college 39
Commitment is the first step to success. 40
Five steps to achieving a goal: Commit to achieving a goal. Write it down—with a completion date. Write down the actions you will take. Promise someone that you will achieve the goal. Set regular dates with that person to report on your progress. 41
Develop a college-going identity Envision yourself in college 42
Imagine a typical day in your life as a college student 43
Think about things like: How early you have to get up What type of classes you have How many students are in the classes Where you will eat your meals Where you will study and for how long What you will do in your free time 44
Imagine a typical day in high school and a typical day in college: What is the biggest difference? 45
Session 2: Chart your course 46
Get a grip on admission requirements Session 3: Get a grip on admission requirements 47
Pay for your college education Session 4: Pay for your college education 48
Eight success secrets of college-going students Session 5: Eight success secrets of college-going students 49
To get the most out of FSDF: Commit to the FSDF program and attend each session together. 50
To get the most out of FSDF: Participate and be encouraging to all participants. 51
To get the most out of FSDF: Bring requested information to each session. 52
To get the most out of FSDF: Complete activities to help meet your goals. 53
To get the most out of FSDF: Participate in discussions and exploration of college opportunities. 54
To get the most out of FSDF: Support one another as you take steps to prepare for college. 55
{ In today’s session we talked about The importance of a college education You and your family’s role in your academic success The key student benefits of going to college Brainstorming your higher education goals Upcoming session topics Program expectations In today’s session we talked about 56
Before the next session: Talk with my family about my commitment to go to college. 57
Before the next session: Students – Think of 3 things I can do right now to help reach my goal. 58
Before the next session: Families – Think of 3 ways we can help our student reach his/her goal. 59
Did you know? 60
36% Thirty-six percent of students enrolled at ASU are first-generation college students. 61