Orange County Board of County Commissioners Water Conserv II Operations Contract Renewal Utilities Department August 23, 2011 Utilities Department August 23, 2011
2 Presentation Outline Background Existing Contract Negotiations for Contract Renewal Future Option Request Actions Background Existing Contract Negotiations for Contract Renewal Future Option Request Actions
3 Presentation Outline Background Existing Contract Negotiations for Contract Renewal Future Option Requested Actions
4 Background Water Conserv II is one of the largest agricultural reclaimed water projects in the world –Owned by Orange County and the City of Orlando –Operational since 1986 –Primary components are irrigation and aquifer recharge Water Conserv II is one of the largest agricultural reclaimed water projects in the world –Owned by Orange County and the City of Orlando –Operational since 1986 –Primary components are irrigation and aquifer recharge
5 Background Benefits of Water Conserv II –Agricultural irrigation for citrus –Rapid infiltration basins (RIBs) for aquifer recharge –Wet-weather disposal capacity –Research with Mid-Florida Citrus Council
6 Background 2,684 acres in Orange County 2,794 acres in Lake County 150 RIB cells Existing RIB capacity 29.2 MGD
7 Background Per interlocal agreement operated by contract operator since 1986 –Located good distance away from existing systems –Reclaimed water system operation was an unknown –Use expected to be 50/50 Procured under CCNA rules –Professional services –Qualifications based selection Yearly budget negotiated by staff and approved by the Board
8 Presentation Outline Background Existing Contract Negotiations for Contract Renewal Future Option Requested Action
9 Existing Contract September 30, 2006 – Water Conserv II Contract for Operations executed with Woodard & Curran –RFP issued by the City of Orlando –BCC approved contract award on 9/19/06 –Initial 5-year term with additional 5-year renewals September 30, 2011 – End of first 5-year term
10 Presentation Outline Background Existing Contract Negotiations for Contract Renewal Future Option Requested Action
11 Negotiations for Contract Renewal Woodard & Curran staff reductions –Savings of $163,650 Transfer of responsibility –Reduces fixed fee costs (5% mark-up) –County and City pay power, laboratory, and technical consultant costs directly –Savings of $64,875 Miscellaneous adjustments to other line items –Net reduction of $28,625 Annual joint O&M savings of $257,150 for FY12 –6.7% overall reduction
12 Negotiations for Contract Renewal Amendment to contract required –County pays for power, laboratory and technical consultant directly –City reimburses County proportional share –Agreement included in requested actions Proposed FY12 budget is $3,532,625 –Countys share $2,333,521 –Budget approval included in requested actions
13 Presentation Outline Background Existing Contract Negotiations for Contract Renewal Future Option Requested Action
14 Future Option Cost savings possible if County assumes operations of Water Conserv II Construction of new SWWRF and Malcolm Road WSF may provide opportunity for merging of O&M and staff Further evaluation needed
15 Presentation Outline Background Existing Contract Negotiations for Contract Renewal Future Option Requested Action
16 Requested Action Approval of the Amendment and Renewal to the Contract for Operations, Maintenance and Engineering Services for the Water Conserv II Reclaimed Water System Joint Facilities. Approval of funding for the Orange County/City of Orlando Water Conserv II Joint Facilities Annual Target Budget with Woodard & Curran, Inc. The Countys share of the estimated project budget is $2,333,521.
17 Orange County Board of County Commissioners Water Conserv II Operations Contract Renewal Utilities Department August 23, 2011