Design By Contract Using JMSAssert
Design By Contract A method of separating the concerns of the user and implementer of the class, and giving both enough information for their tasks. Work in this course will be done with Java, offers partial support for those concepts. Each class and method should be documented in Javadoc style.
Design By Contract In order to implement the principles of Design-by-Contract in Java, we will use a free tool from Man Machine Systems names JMSAssert. It works with Sun’s JDK 1.2 & 1.3 but not 1.4
Design By Contract A powerful technique for writing reliable software. Specifying the software purpose with the implementation. Key elements: Invariant Preconditions Postconditions
Design By Contract Precondition – The constraints under which the routine will function properly. Postconditions – The state of the class after the routine execution The Contract: If you call routine R() with the preconditions satisfied, R() will return satisfying the postconditions. Invariant – Always holds
When are condition checked?
JMS Syntax - Invariant Invariant - @inv May access all class members or its direct/indirect bases, including private members May appear in any JavaDoc comment Preferable in the class comment
JMS Syntax - Preconditions Precondition - @pre JavaDoc preceding the respective method May reference class members and arguments Multiple @pre markers are conjugated (AND)
JMS Syntax - Postconditions Postconditions - @post JavaDoc preceding the respective method May use $prev(expression) to access the value at the method entry. May use $ret to denote method’s return value Multiple @post markers are conjugated (AND)
Example Precondition /** Postconditions * @pre !isEmpty() * @post (top == $prev(top- 1)) * @post $ret == elems[top] * @post !isFull */ public synchronized Object pop() { return elems[--top]; } Postconditions
What is wrong in the example ? Precondition /** * @pre !isEmpty() * @post (top == $prev(top- 1)) * @post $ret == elems[top] * @post !isFull */ public synchronized Object pop() { return elems[--top]; } Postconditions What is wrong in the example ?
JMS Syntax - General Order has no meaning @macro – for complicated conditions Recursion – as expected, on every call Inner classes can access outer classes’ members Anonymous classes – specify invariant in one of its methods
Downloads & Installations Download Java J2SE SDK 1.3.1 from (~41MB) Install into C:\Program Files\jdk1.3.1_07 Download JMSAssert 1.02 from (~1.2MB) Run the jmssetup-1.02.exe installation file Install into C:\Program Files\AMSAssert1.0
JMSAssert Installation The following lines are added to the path: REM Next two lines are added by JMSAssert SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;C:\PROGRA~1\JMSASS~1.0\ bin\mmsclasses.jar; SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\PROGRA~1\JMSASS~1.0\bin; Copy the “classic” directory from “C:\Program Files\jdk1.3.1_07\jre\bin\” to the directory: “C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1_07\bin\”
Setup (cont.) Your JavaSoft directory should look like:
JMSAssert – how does it work Annotate source code with assertions Compile your code using javac (as usual) Preprocess the code using jmsassert: creates contract files (*.jms) and a Startup.jms file. *.jms files contain java code for the assertions. Execute using: jmsjava Startup <filename> to check assertions. jmsjava makes sure method assertions are called before/after the method invocation.
JMS Execution “jmsassert” – generates help text “jmsassert –s <>” – generate assertions for a class file “jmsassert –r –s .” – generate assertions for all class files in the directory and sub-dirs. (use for packages) “javac <>” – compile “jmsjava Startup <main>” - execute and check assertions
Annotate source with assertions Execution process Stack Demo files Annotate source with assertions
Execution process Stack Demo files Annotate source with assertions Preprocess to generate assertion files Startup.jms default_MyStack.jms jmsassert –s <> default_MyStack_StackEnum.jms
Execution process Stack Demo files Annotate source with assertions Preprocess to generate assertion files Startup.jms default_MyStack.jms jmsassert –s <> default_MyStack_StackEnum.jms Compile Java file javac <> MyStack.class MyStack$StackEnum.class MyStack$StackEnum.class StackTest.class
Execution process Stack Demo files Annotate source with assertions Preprocess to generate assertion files Startup.jms default_MyStack.jms jmsassert –s <> default_MyStack_StackEnum.jms Compile Java file javac <> MyStack.class MyStack$StackEnum.class Execute using jmsjava MyStack$StackEnum.class jmsjava Startup <classname> StackTest.class
Notes Execute these steps form the command line! Make sure your CLASSPATH environment variable contains the current directory. Add “CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.” to autoexec.bat.
An Example (MyStack) A stack with invariants, pre conditions and post conditions: A main file: Compile all .java files (using javac) Generate JMSAssert triggers by: jmsassert –s Run and test assertions by jmsjava Startup StackTest You can always run your test program in by java StackTest (#1) /** @inv (top >= 0 && top < max) */ class MyStack { private Object[] elems; private int top, max; (#2) . /** @pre (sz > 0) @post (max == sz && elems != null) */ public MyStack(int sz) { max = sz; elems = new Object[sz]; } (#3) /** @pre !isFull() @post (top == $prev (top) + 1) && elems[top-1] == obj */ public void push(Object obj) { elems[top++] = obj; } (#4) /** @pre !isEmpty() @post (top == $prev (top) - 1) && $ret == elems[top] */ public Object pop() { return elems[--top]; } (#5) /** @post ($ret == (top == max)) */ public boolean isFull() { return top == max; } (#6) /** @post ($ret == (top == 0)) */ public boolean isEmpty() { return top == 0; } } // End MyStack class StackTest { public static void main(String[] args) { MyStack s = new MyStack(2); // Can push at most 2 elements s.push(new Integer(1)); s.push(new Integer(23)); s.push(new Integer(0)); // Precondition violation here! }