Foundations 1a: economist 1b: political scientist 1c: sociologist


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Presentation transcript:

Foundations 1a: economist 1b: political scientist 1c: sociologist 1d: geographer 2a: Physical feature; mountains, rivers, desert 2b: man-made feature; country, boundaries 3a: nomadic; hunter-gatherer 3b: Neolithic Revolution; farming and animal domestication 4: writing system, religion, cities, jobs, public works, gov’t, art, social classes

Regents Review: 1st Civilizations/Early Empires Buzz Words

Egypt Buzz Words: nile, hieroglyphics, pharaoh, pyramids, polytheism, fertile soil

Indus Buzz Words: aryans, Caste System, beg of Hindu, rigid, no social mobility, public works (gov’t), urban, ganges sacred, indus, fertile soil (Priests) Brahmins (Warriors) Kshatriyas (Farmers, artisans, merchants) Vaisyas (The conquered, servants, laborers) Sudras Pariahs [Harijan]  Untouchables

Mesopotamia Buzz Words: Fertile Crescent, Tigris-Euphrates, city states, cuneiform, polytheism, Code of Hammurabi, Judaism (monotheism), fertile soil, ziggurats

China (Yellow River) Buzz Words: Huang He, dynastic cycle, mandate of heaven, terrace farming, mtns

Rome Buzz Words: Access to Med, Law of the 12 Tables, Pax Romana, republic, political stability, peninsula, centralized gov, Rome fell: invasions, East survives= Byzantine

Greek Buzz Words: direct democracy, archipelago, city states, sparta=military, education, fitness, alex the great, Hellenistic Civ, philosophy, Socrates

Qin Buzz Words: China, Great Wall, protection, isolation, legalism, ethnocentrism

Han Buzz Words: Silk Road, trade, cultural diffusion, Confucianism, rule by example, golden age, civil service exams

Gupta Buzz Words: math, science, spread of Buddhism, Asoka, golden age, art, decimals, ajanta caves

West African Kingdoms Buzz Words: Ghana, Mali, Songhai, salt/gold, Timbuktu, Mansa Musa, Islam, trade, complex, hajj

Maya Buzz Words: math, science, calendar, temples, ability to adapt, complex civ

Islamic Empire Buzz Words: diverse empire, golden age, Abbasid, calligraphy, centers of learning, preservers of Greco-Roman culture