Drama 7 Date: Objective Conflict To examine different kinds of conflict. To examine how to build suspense.
Warm-up There are two kinds of conflict. There is regular outward conflict between two or more people and there is inner conflict with yourself. Your warm-up is to list and explain three things you could be conflicted about with yourself. Name three things you might argue with yourself about and explain both sides in each example.
Notes – notes copy Conflict: A struggle between opposing forces in a story. This can occur within a single character as well as between multiple characters. Suspense: A feeling of tense uncertainty about how the conflict will end. Tension: an atmosphere of hostility between opposing characters. Climax: The point of greatest tension or suspense which then leads into a resolution. (Important thought: To build suspense, it must NOT be clear what the result or outcome may be. This is done by the bad guys winning a bit.)
Our fourth play - Forgetting We’re going to read the play aloud but with a twist. When reading the lines, speak loud and angry. This is practise for our acting and angry is one of the easier emotions to display. Really ham it up, go for it and think of the bad guy in any film or t.v. show while you read it.
Questions – continue the P.Q.E. format. What is the conflict about in this play? Give examples. Do you think there is suspense in the play? If not, how would you add some? The play leads up to the mother having forgotten something. Is this a good climax in your opinion?
Learning Objectives Today Drama 8 Date: Conflict 2 Learning Objectives Today To look in more depth at conflicts in plays. To create a play.
Warm-ups get our brains going. Exercise copy We’re going to play a game in groups of three to four. In turns, one person announces they forgot something and the other three think up of funny and interesting excuses for having forgotten this thing. Example: I forgot my homework. My dog ate it. I dropped it in the toilet. Dr. Who stole it.
Notes – notes copy Exposition : the opening of the play which explains everything. Complication: the part of the play where the challenge or difficulty appears before the main character. Crises: an important moment where the character must decide what to do. Exposition – complication – crises – climax – resolution.
Creation of play#3 We’re going to evolve the creation of our plays here. Your task is to continue this play. Jason makes it to school and realises that he forgot three more things. In groups, you shall write this scene.
Homework Read the next play - #7 Fault Cast: Cal and Maz. Try to visualise (see in your mind) the scene. What do you see on and around the characters?