Emails, Resumes, Cv’s, and Cover Letters Communicating Successfully…
What are emails and resumes? Email – a letter that is sent over the internet Resume – an overview of your professional life when applying for a job CV (Curriculum Vitae) – a list of accomplishments/professional things done Cover Letter – a letter sent with resume or CV that says the purpose of your application
Writing an email How to do it best…
Writing an email Emails can be written in all three forms of writing styles Formal Needs formal introductions and conclusions Should be carefully read to make sure that it is polite Should be considerate Casual and Colloquial Doesn’t need all of the things of formal
Email Example Email Address Subject Greeting Intro. Comment Subject – should be simple and direct Greeting: Dear To (Name) – less formal To Whom It May Concern Intro. Comment – some nice words Body – what are you trying to say Closing Words – more nice words Salutation:: Sincerely, Respectfully, With Love, - less formal Signature – personal information (name, phone number, etc.) Greeting Intro. Comment Body/Main Idea Closing Words Salutation Signature
Cover letters, Resumes, and CV’s Writing them the best way…
Resume Resumes should be very professional Resumes should be no more than two pages Important parts of a resume: Personal Perspective – Why do you want to work there? What can you offer the company? Education Job Experience Skills & Abilities – What can you do that is special about you? (Speaking multiple languages, etc.) References – Who can say that you are a good person? (Old boss, professors, teachers, NOT FAMILY OR FRIENDS) Sometimes, you do not need all parts on a resume depending on the job you are applying for When writing a resume, think about the skills you will need and what makes you stand out
Curriculum Vitae (CV) Similar to a resume but more like a list of accomplishments Has no page limit, unlike resume Sometimes, want a resume or CV or both In Korea, they are generally the same thing
Cover Letter Cover letter is sometimes asked for with an application and/or resume Cover letter is a formal letter that goes on top of an application with a resume/CV and other documents This letter is written formally and can be long The cover letter says a few things: Things that cannot be said in the resume Why you are applying for the job Why you can do a good job at the job What is your life situation like that makes you special
Cover Letter Structure Greetings Body (each a different paragraph): Introduction – why are you making the application What is your job experience? What makes you a good choice? What else about you is special? Do you have any special abilities or circumstances? Additional information and conclusion Signature
Situations Practice writing a cover letter…
Write a resume Using the resume template on Prof. Jones’s website, create a resume for yourself applying for your dream job. Post it to your blog under “About Me.”