M2-2: Fokus Penyelidikan Tindakan Action Enquiries Begin With An Individual’s Question, ‘How Do I Improve My Work?’ [Jean McNiff, 2002]
Kandungan Kuliah Menganalisis dan membincangkan isu, keprihatinan / bidang fokus penyelidikan tindakan tinjauan literatur penerokaan idea Merancang dan melaksanakan tinjauan awal (pengumpulan maklumat awal) untuk menentukan isu, keprihatinan / bidang fokus yang sesuai
Proses Penyelidikan
How do I do action research? The basic steps of an action research process constitute an action plan: We review our current practice, Identify an aspect that we want to investigate, Imagine a way forward, Try it out, and Take stock of what happens. We modify what we are doing in the light of what we have found, and Continue working in this new way (try another option if the new way of working is not right) Monitor what we do, Review and evaluate the modified action, and so on … (see also McNiff, Lomax and Whitehead, 1996)
Refleksi Pengajaran Pembelajaran Mengimbas kembali pengalaman pertama Menumpu perhatian Berwajah serius Menjawab soalan Tidak ramai memberi pandangan Pelajar yang baik, mengikuti arahan
Mencari Fokus Yang Relevan You need to be reasonably clear why you want to get involved. The reasons for our actions are often rooted in our values base, that is, the things we believe in and that drive our lives. The trouble is, we often work in situations where it is not possible to live in a way that is congruent with what we believe in. Action research is a way of working that helps us to identify the values that are important for our lives and to live in the direction of those values, that is, take them as the organising principles of our lives. Jean McNiff (2002)
Refleksi Kendiri Apakah nilai saya sebagai seorang pendidik? Students must do more than just listen: They must read, write, discuss, or be engaged in solving problems. In short, doing things and thinking about what they are doing. Students shoul d be engaged in higher-order thinking tasks as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
Fokus: Pembelajaran Aktif Pelbagai isu dan aspek untuk penambahbaikan mungkin terhasil daripada refleksi pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pilih fokus kajian / isu keprihatinan yang penting serta relevan kepada pengkaji dan murid
Pernyataan Semula Fokus Kajian Bolehkah isu / fokus tersebut dinyatakan dalam bentuk persoalan? Bagaimanakah saya dapat melibatkan pelajar kursus PTK2202W saya dengan lebih aktif dalam kelas? How can I engage my PTK2202W students more actively in class?
Menjana Idea Kumpulan 1 Secara kumpulan, bincang dan cadangkan seberapa banyak idea yang sesuai untuk menjadikan interaksi dalam kelas PTK2202W lebih bersifat aktif
Refleksi Sorotan Literatur Become familiar with other research done on your area of focus Utilize the findings of others to help develop your plan Apply research findings through the lens of others’ experience
Mencari Idea dari Literatur Kumpulan 2 Apa itu literatur? Kenal pasti literatur yang relevan kepada isu fokus ini Sediakan beberapa sumber literatur dari perpustakaan yang boleh membantu saya dalam melaksanakan kajian tindakan ini
Tinjauan Awal Masalah Kajian If you are in a situation where things are not as you would wish them to be, how can you show that situation to other people so that they can relate to what you are experiencing? How can you show what the situation was like, which made you resolve to do something about it? You need to gather data about the situation, and you can use a variety of methods for this – journals, diaries, notes, audio and videotape recordings, surveys, attitude scales, pictures, and so on. You will compare this first set of data with later sets of data, to see whether there is any change and whether you can say that you have influenced the situation
Tinjauan Awal Kumpulan 3 & 4 Kenal pasti jenis data yang boleh saya kumpulkan untuk menunjukkan mengapa saya berminat dengan isu pembelajaran aktif di kelas D2A