Classical Mauryan Empire The Aryans and Mauryans
Do you recognize which modern nation the Mauryan empire was located in?
Instructions: Follow your teacher’s instructions about completing the Maurya Graphic Organizer using the information in this presentation. You will be identifying characteristics of the empire and adding them to your organizer in the appropriate category.
Review: Indus River Valley Civilization 1750 BC – quality of building in cities declined Falls into decay 1500 BC – civilization nearing the end Not exactly sure why Indian civilization basically disappears
Aryan Invasions 1,600 BCE - 1,000 BCE Indo-Europeans Waves of migration over a long period of time Indo-Europeans Semi-nomadic peoples from north of Ancient Mesopotamia Pastoralists – herded cattle, sheep, and goats
Aryan Invasions Incorporated many parts of their culture and shaped a new Classical India Polytheistic religion of Aryans lead to Hinduism
Polytheistic religion Vedas – sacred literature of Hinduism Collection of prayers, spells, and instructions for rituals Passed down orally until Sanskrit invented
Born into caste for life Role in society Brahmins = priests and scholars Kshatriyas = rulers and warriors Vaishyas = peasants and traders Shudras = non-Aryans laborers Born into caste for life Determined work, marriage, with whom they can eat Caste System
Aryan tribes turn to chiefdoms Aryan Kingdoms Aryan tribes turn to chiefdoms Expand Indian civilization to the Ganges and Yamuna river valleys By 1,000 B.C. - chiefdoms become territorial kingdoms Fought for land and power Each king claimed power over the others as a right from the gods
Fragmented, weak regional kingdoms Invaders can easily overtake them Background Info Fragmented, weak regional kingdoms Invaders can easily overtake them Alexander the Great brought most of north India under his control
The Mauryan Empire Around 323 B.C.E., a great empire emerged in northern India. It was called the Mauryan empire. The rulers of this empire conquered most of northern and central India. It was a vast empire.
Chandragupta Maurya (321 BCE- 298 BCE) First Mauryan emperor Inspired by Alexander the Great’s invasion to unify Indians Centralized government Divided into provinces for tax collection and easier law enforcement Well organized bureaucracy
Ashoka’s Empire
Ashoka Maurya (268 BCE-232BCE) Chandragupta’s grandson, 3rd Mauryan emperor Extended rule to most of India Fierce and successful fighter Converted to Buddhism Spread throughout India and China – missionaries Incorporated into government – rock and pillar edicts Still honored Hinduism Empire fell apart after his death Broke into fragmented regional kingdoms again
Ashoka’s Economic System Enhanced trade throughout the empire Created a single currency Established roads to promote trade and transportation Trees and watering stations Public works and waterways to enhance farmer productivity Had concern for his people’s health and well-being
Ashoka’s Rock and Pillar Edicts Written law code Publicly displayed Scattered across the empire Each pillar about 40’-50’ high Buddhist principles dominated
The Collapse of the Mauryan Empire The Mauryan empire began to weaken after the death of King Asoka. The last emperor was assassinated around 185 B.C. Five centuries of disorder followed.
Processing Create a gamer tag or username for each of the following people: An Aryan invader A member of one of the castes (your choice) Chandragupta Mauyra Ashoka Maurya Make it clever, unique and school appropriate. Make sure it applies to each person. Write these in the center box of your organizer Example: for Sam Houston, commander at the Battle of San Jacinto – Sanjacdude