Successful KS2-3 Transition At South Nottinghamshire Academy
Why do we need good transition? 1.40% of children fail to make expected progress during the year after a change of schools (Galton’99) 2.Average progress drops between KS2 and KS3 for reading, writing and Maths (DFE 2011) 3. The effects of transition are amplified by risk factors such as poverty and ethnicity Barriers: Lack of trust in validity of data Weak understanding of what pupils can achieve Emotional/Physical changes Inconsistent assessment procedures Lack of information transferred between schools Weak understanding of what pupils have been taught
Other reasons for good transition Recruitment into SNA Community partnerships and reputation Academic and pastoral focus for our pupils Establish ethos and expectations from earliest stage
Components of an effective primary to secondary transfer Administrative Social and Personal Curricular Pedagogic Managing learning
Administrative Once a place is secured: Lead teacher for transition, SENCO and lead TA gather data from primary schools- SEND, medical and behavioural information, SATS results SENCO/TA’s make arrangements to visit schools to meet staff and pupils Additional visits arranged for parents and SEN/PP pupils
Social and personal Joint events between Yr6-7 Yr6 visit week Open Evening in Sept Yr7 pupils visit Yr6 Staggered start/break/lunch Peer mentoring schemes More and earlier parental engagement including phone calls- all tutors to make contact by end of 1st week
Curricular Teachers in each phase and stage develop knowledge of curriculum and assessment procedures Cross phase projects Cross phase curriculum design planning Bridging unit Summer school Start new book/folder in summer term Establish shared language of learning Establish common processes for peer and self assessment Map the curriculum and skills Creative timetabling/blocking/nurture group
Pedagogic Teacher exchange and secondment Joint CPD Schools in both phases evaluate and adapt their transition plans, taking into account pupil, parent and teacher feedback
Managing Learning Pupils understand their strengths and areas for improvement and can talk confidently to their teachers about them Pupils understand their targets Quality information given to parents about their contribution and how they can help Online contact with pupils and parents Pupil passport
3 features of a successful transfer process Social adjustment Institutional adjustment Curriculum interest and continuity
Quick wins to ensure curriculum interest and continuity Avoid split classes as much as possible in Yr7 Avoid non-specialist teachers Give KS3 equal priority for funding (including PP) to stop gap from widening later on Emulate KS4 assessment procedures Read primary curriculum Observe primary teaching Allocate a transition champion in each department
Summer School 7-10th August 2017 Mon Tues Wed Thurs AM Sherwood Pines Trip English/ Maths focus Drama skills Summer H/W tasks PM School familiarisation Drama workshop Ice Skating trip Aims of the week Team Building Meeting other pupils Getting to know the school Homework tasks
KS3 Banding KS2 Score KS3 Threshold KS3 Banding GCSE (New) 111-120 Excellence A 8-9 101-110 Secure B 6-7 89-100 Developing C 4-5 80-88 Foundation D 2-3 Below 80 E 1
What can your department do to improve transition? Department tasks: 1.Allocate a transition champion 2. Find out about the primary curriculum for your subject 3. Evaluate how your subject builds on the primary curriculum 3. Google SATS papers to look at language of learning 4. Discuss the bridging unit example – 2 weeks in Yr6 and 2 weeks at start of Yr7 and feedback on viability. 5. Plan a new department interactive activity for the Yr5/6 Open Evening in September