#AssessPeel The People, Practices and Products that Move AfL Forward Kristen Clarke Instructional Coordinator, Assessment Peel District School Board #AssessPeel
Reflection and Personal Notes KC #AssessPeel @Kristen__Clarke
Welcome & Introductions Take a moment to reflect on the 7 Principles of Growing Success. KC Select one and introduce yourself by explaining how this principle resonates with your understanding of AfL.
Professional Learning Goals By the end of this session, we will So that we can use an equity mindset toward student learning and assessment. Know understand strategies that can be used to move AfL forward Do co-create a 4Ps inventory to support AfL Be an assessment leader
I can use assessment language related to AfL with confidence. I can identify necessary components to move AfL forward. I can deprivatize my practice to model assessment literacy and leadership.
Learning Goal & Success Criteria Sharing Routine Think Pair Share KC Think about the learning goals and success criteria. What do they mean to you? Share your thinking with a partner. Have you done this kind of learning before? Share your thinking with the group.
Table Chat Routine Elect and Identify a table facilitator [ensures everyone is heard] a documenter [notes thinking on CAfLN forum—must be a CAfLN member] conversationalists [everyone contributes awesome ideas]
Why Professional Learning Goals? Model the use of classroom learning goals Engage the learner in conversation around the knowledge and skill that is being targeted Provide opportunity to collect evidence as to whether this is the correct goal for the learning opportunity
4 Ps Purpose People Products Processes
The Purpose of AfL
Connecting to the Purpose of AfL Research Ministry Board 1.25-
Connecting to the Purpose of AfL School Self 1.25-
Strategy to Surface the Purpose of AfL Narratives Share a positive assessment experience (Drake & ) Share how you shifted ‘that’ student Share what you would want your child to experience An assessment ‘aha’
Insert video of convo here Susan A Hiren– notes with student Soni– assessment aha
What are your effective strategies to surface the purpose of AfL? Consider your audience. How do you help colleagues find their purpose in shifting assessment practice? Kristen 9.00-9.30 1
Documenting in the CAfLN forum What are your effective strategies to surface the purpose of AfL? 1
Who are your People?
Teachers & Teacher Leaders System and School Leaders People Students Teachers & Teacher Leaders System and School Leaders Parents
Strategy to Identify your People Notice & Name People with Thoughtful Assessment Practices Feed Their Interest!
What are your strategies for finding your AfL people? Consider your setting. List the people you know… Who have influence? Who have an audience? Who are risk-takers? Who are assessment literate? Kristen 9.00-9.30 2
Identifying your People What are your strategies for finding your key AfL people? 2
Products Evidence Based Strategies Guides & Monographs Practical Resources supporting Instructional Rounds Guides & Monographs Edugains Videos Student & Parent Voice Products
Strategy to Identify/Develop your AfL Products Survey for resources in use and in demand
What are your strategies for identifying and developing your AfL focused products? Consider your setting. What are the gaps and strengths? What resources will move the AfL conversation forward? Kristen 9.00-9.30 3
Identifying your Products What are your strategies for identifying and developing your AfL focused products? 3
Collaborative Inquiry & Action Research Sponsoring Canadian Research Processes Virtual Learning Sponsoring Canadian Research SIM-SEF NTIP & Mentorship
Strategy to Identify/Develop AfL Processes Leverage what is there. https://storify.com/kristen__clarke/peel-teacher-admin-assessment-work-teams
What are your strategies for leverage and developing processes to support AfL? Consider your setting. What processes already exist? How can you blend AfL within the process? What processes can you develop? Kristen 9.00-9.30 4
Identifying your Processes What are your strategies for leverage and developing processes to support AfL? 4
Consolidating #AssessPeel #AssessPeel
Quiet Reflection