To Start: Pick up a copy of the syllabus & technology procedures. Take a seat next to someone different from yesterday. Take out a pen &/or highlighter. Write down your homework for tonight.
Welcome to British Literature with Miss Krzyzanowski at Country Day School for the 2018 – 2019 School Year
What’s British Literature all about? This British Literature course will challenge you to read and write more, via the themes of identity and belonging. We will explore multiple texts composed by British writers and ask how they relate to today’s world and our selves.
What do I expect while on this journey? Be respectful of yourself & others. Be accountable for your actions. Be purposeful with your actions. Be present in our moments together. What do do these expectations look like?
What do we need? laptop & charger independent reading material blue or black pens (no pencils) homework (if any) post it notes for annotations USB/external hard drive to back up work folder or small binder open and active mind agenda/calendar for tracking due dates reading material for the day For example, Astoria Oregon is a town on the Oregon coast well know for its starring role in the movie “The Goonies”. Today, we will take a trip from our school to Astoria through miles and time…
Details: Academic Honesty: All late work must be accompanied by a “missing work” form which can be found at the front of the classroom. Students are expected to do their own work. Country Day School strives to provide an environment which encourages honesty and integrity. Until an assignment is submitted, a 0 will be used as a place holder in the grade book. Late Work Policy: No late work will be accepted after a unit’s summative assessment. Late work may not receive feedback.
Grades Current Events Discourse & Engagement Public Expression Research & Writing Identification Synthesis Communication Creativity Process & Collaboration You can use this type of slide for text, images, shapes and tables to help add information in a different way. Duplicate this slide to add additional images of important location in your visit.
All of this information can be found in your syllabus! Remember…. All of this information can be found in your syllabus!
There are multiple ways to get ahold of Miss K….. Got questions? There are multiple ways to get ahold of Miss K….. Email Open Door Policy
Signed syllabus by parent/guardian & student by Monday August 27th Homework Signed syllabus by parent/guardian & student by Monday August 27th Supplies brought to class by Monday August 27th Mission Statement to GC by 11:59pm Wed. Aug. 22 You can use this type of slide for text, images, shapes and tables to help add information in a different way. Duplicate this slide to add additional images of important location in your visit.