Chris Russell Sam Morgan Hunter College SPED 746 Assessment of Children with combined vision and hearing loss & Environmental / Classroom assessment Chris Russell Sam Morgan Hunter College SPED 746
Sensory Efficiency / Functional Skills Evaluation Instruments Today Procedures Sensory Preference Sensory Efficiency / Functional Skills Evaluation Instruments Classroom Observation Instrument and Considerations for Environmental Assessment, Planning
Why Assess Eligibility Educational Program Development Design intervention and learning activities and routines Evaluate child outcomes to judge program effectiveness
Things to think about when starting What is the purpose of the assessment you are conducting? What do you need or want to know, develop questions The family is central and assessing without significant input from them is poor practice Collaboration with other professionals is key Interdisciplinary/Transdisciplinary Gather outside resources and expertise Assessment is a form of discovery Engage in self reflection
Procedures Identify instruments that are as appropriate as possible Are the items a good match for the child Are there enough items at the early stages of development with examples Does the instrument require specific activities or materials or is it based on observation in natural environments and/or report (parental and professional) Does the instrument yield information that is useful in program development or is it simply numeric (next steps)? You may use selected sections from instruments
Procedures Conduct observations across settings, activities, people, and times Conduct structured observations Interview family members considering their wants and needs Request clinical and/or functional hearing and vision evaluations (or conduct functional evaluations)
What to Assess in Children Communication Receptive Visual, Auditory, Tactile Expressive Oral, Motor/gestural, AAC (low and high tech) Vision and Hearing Motor Cognition Preferences (sensory and activities, people etc.) Temperament
Indicators of Progress Increased Consistency of Response Increased independence of Response Increased frequency of response Increased duration of response Increased Clarity of Response Faster Response Time Partial participation in a routine Ability to participate in a routine for longer periods of time Sustained Attention to a task Increased stamina Increased strength and accuracy of a motor response
Basing Instruction on Preferences Child preferences Sensory Preferences Reinforcers Preferred activities Preferred people Preferred places Family Preferences Priority skills for the child Families preferred environments Family priorities Placing Instruction in natural routines and environments
Sensory Preference Assessment What sensory modalities does the child use, how do they use them, what do they use them for Do they have any particular sensory likes or dislikes Components to Evaluating Sensory Channel Evaluation Learning Media Checklist Sensory profile observation
Sensory efficiency/functioning – vision Functional Vision Assessment Components Materials Guidelines for conducting FUNCTIONAL! Multiple observations if possible Multiple settings etc. Recommendations AT Positioning/Seating Materials/adaptations Other considerations
Sensory Efficiency/Functioning- Hearing Functional Hearing Assessment Inventory of sounds Components History, diagnosis, findings of clinical reports Interviews and informal reports FUNCTIONAL observation Data and specific responses Guidelines Recommendations
Tactile efficiency/functioning Preferences Tactile defensiveness Specific observations Hand use Fine motor skills Using hands together/separate Joint attention Exploration Tactile discrimination Specific spatial/directional skills relating to pre-literacy/literacy
Assessment Tools There are no developmental tools that are normed on the deaf-blind population and no tools that are fully appropriate. Global assessment measures Insite Developmental checklist 0-6 years Multiple domains Developed for children with MD and sensory loss Callier Asuza Specifically for Deaf-blind Language and techniques DB specific so need prior knowledge Good communication domain Oregon Project For VI Good compensatory skills section Carolina Curriculum EI/Preschool For severe disabilities but not sensory impairment
Assessment Tools Other tools Communication Matrix Self Determination Skills Attitudes and Knowledge Scale Measures construct of self-determination – cognitive skills that are a predictor of success Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale Functional and self care skills – Motor, social, communication School Functioning Assessment Motor assessment that is based on skills needed in school, not developmental in nature Macarthur language Scales Measure of vocabulary Version for deaf
Assessing the instructional environment Reasons To engage the team in discussing shared/differing opinions on: Goals Student performance levels and functioning Student needs and adaptations Current routines and materials Current strategies and roles To make recommendations on: Practices and strategies eg communication partners, hand use, wait time Appropriateness of materials eg adaptations Classroom organization Instructional routines Collaborative teaming
Assessing the instructional environment Classroom Observation Instrument (Taylor, Stremel, & Steele, 2006) Teacher/team interview Goals Family involvement Student strengths/weaknesses Level of inclusion, social opportunities Sensory levels and information from assessments, corrective measures for V&H
Classroom Observation Instrument … Classroom Observation Sections Curriculum Data-based assessment Preservation of dignity Communication Social Assistive Technology (IEP-mandates and not) Overall impressions Scoring Section