1 PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts
22 Training Agenda Welcome Icebreaker Lesson One – Understanding Supplier Contracts Lesson Two – Supplier Contract Entry Resources Available Wrap-up and Close
33 Welcome
44 First Things First Please set cell phones and pagers to silent Refrain from side discussions. We all want to hear what you have to say! Feel free to ask questions. If your question is off- topic or will be discussed later in the training course, we will write it on a flip chart (parking lot) to be sure we cover it later One 15 minute break is planned Bathrooms / Snacks
55 Icebreaker Get to know your fellow Trainers and Drivers!
66 Getting to know you… Please introduce yourself by telling us: Name Agency A fun fact about yourself or a hobby How you interact with supplier contracts today An expectation for todays class
77 Lesson One Understanding Supplier Contracts PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Define basic Supplier Contract key terms and concepts Describe how Supplier Contracts fit into the end-to- end process for Purchasing List the roles involved in Supplier Contract Entry and describe the tasks performed by each role
PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts Supplier Contract Key Terms Supplier Contracts: A binding agreement between the State of Kansas and a vendor created from the Supplier Contract module. Contracts may be added online or may originate from Strategic Sourcing (bid) events. Supplier Contracts are integrated to the purchasing module for purchase order creation. Attachment: Supplemental information related to a document or transaction Transactional Contract: The transactional contract data is entered in SMART using the Contract Entry page.
PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts End-to-End Purchasing Process with Supplier Contracts
PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts Supplier Contract Role Definitions SMART User Role Key Activities per Role – Processing Supplier Contracts Central Purchasing Administrator Maintains the setup tables related to Purchasing, excluding the Items Table Master Agency Contract Processor Enters transactional contract data Central Contract Processor Enters transactional contract data, creates contract documents, sets up collaborations, and performs contract maintenance
PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts Lesson Summary In this lesson, you have learned: Supplier Contract Entry key terms and concepts How Supplier Contracts fit within the end-to-end processes for Purchasing The roles and tasks that interact with Supplier Contract Entry within SMART
PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts Questions?
14 Lesson Two Supplier Contract Entry PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Define supplier contract transactional information Create a transactional supplier contract in SMART Create a new transactional supplier contract by copying an existing transactional supplier contract in SMART
PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts Define Transactional Supplier Contract Information Contract Pages: Use the Contract Entry pages to enter header and line information for transactional procurement contracts. State of Kansas - Types of Supplier Contracts Open Ended: Purchase as many as you want – no cap. No financial limitations. Fixed Cost: Flat rate fee. Purchasing 10 items = $xx.xx, or purchase services for this project = $xx.xx Not To Exceed: Capped cost contract. Not to exceed total dollar or quantity amount specified in the contract.
PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts Begin Activities
PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts Review Key Points
PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts Lesson Summary In this lesson, you have learned: How to use the transactional contract pages in SMART How to create a new transactional supplier contract in SMART How to copy an existing transactional supplier contract to create a new transactional contract in SMART The business processes associated with transactional contracts in SMART
PO325: Entering Supplier Contracts Questions?
21 Wrap-up and Close
22 Use the following resources SMART Training Website – SMART materials –Review, Review, Review your SMART materials after training!!
23 "People can become anything that they want to become. Everyone has the ability - all that is needed is the will, a plan, and the power to put that plan into action." Thomas D. Willhite You can do this!
24 Questions?
25 Evaluation Please fill out the evaluation for todays instructor led training session!
26 Thanks for coming and participating today!