Renal microvascular injury 6 months after induction of JG cell-specific Gsα knockout. Renal microvascular injury 6 months after induction of JG cell-specific Gsα knockout. Reduced CD31 availability was used as a marker to evaluate renal microvascular injury in glomeruli (A), peritubular capillaries (B), and vasa recta (C) on kidney slices of Gsαwt/wt and Gsαfl/fl mice. Left panels show quantitative presentation of the results. Right panels show representative CD31-stained kidney sections of Gsαwt/wt and Gsαfl/fl mice. Scale bars correspond to 20 µm. Data are mean±SEM, n=5 per group; *P<0.05 by the unpaired t test. Peter Lachmann et al. JASN 2017;28:3479-3489 ©2017 by American Society of Nephrology