Urgent Simulator Repairs
What could possibly happen??? BROKEN Bug, Mouse, Radio, Switch, graphic So what… KPIs, simulator down time
Discuss OE that led to crash cart -taking 2 hours to get switch replaced so training could go forward -had to keep going back for various tools and parts 3 of 47
Each click is one (3 pics) 4 of 47
Each click is one Door Inside (3) 5 of 47
But what about the spare parts? Lights Switches/buttons meters 6 of 47
Getting ready to put in a new HPCI controller, just in time for training! Bam!! Simulator magic! One click to install controller Mike Hill discussed using the simulator for workers to use simulator to practice install, did this for the HPCI controller 7 of 47
What else could go wrong!?! 8 of 47