Kingdom Fungi Cell type: Eukaryotic Cellular organization: All multicellular except for unicellular yeast Heterotrophic- Unlike animals, they don’t ingest their food! Fungi digest food outside of their bodies and then absorb the nutrients. Cell walls of chitin Hyphae are tiny threadlike filaments that make up the body of the fungus- or the mycelium. Sexually (+ and -) & Asexually by making spores Cell type: Cellular organization: Mode of nutrition: Special structures: Cellular/Tissue/Organs: Reproduction:
Major Types of Fungi: Zygomycota: Common Molds Ascomycota: Sac fungi Grow on meat, cheese, bread, etc. Example: Black bread mold Ascomycota: Sac fungi Largest phylum in this kingdom Example: Yeast (Common Morel & Truffles below) Basidiomycota: Club fungi Wide diversity with examples such as mushrooms, shelf fungi, and puffballs. Page 535 Deuteromycota: Imperfect fungi “Imperfect” because our scientific understanding is imperfect. Scientists are unable to accurately place these in any category- because aren’t able to observe sexual cycle. Example: Penicillium notatum
Additional information on Fungi: Major ecological role: Decomposers! Some parasitic Fungi & Symbiosis: Lichen: They aren’t a single organism. It is a fungus and a photosynthetic organism like a protist such as algae. Mycorrhizae: Systems underground of interwoven plant roots and fungal mycelia. Economic use: Mushrooms alone make millions of dollars each year, but yeast makes possible bread and booze. Medical use: Penicillin
Kingdom Protista Cell type: Eukaryotic Cellular organization: Mode of nutrition: How to Classify: Eukaryotic Unicellular & multicellular Autotrophic & Heterotrophic Any eukaryotic organism that doesn’t fit in the plant, animal, or fungus kingdom.
Major Types of Protists: Animal-like Protists – Protozoa (4): Heterotrophs Categorized by means of locomotion Zooflagellates- Flagella Sarcodines- Pseudopods Example: Amoeba Ciliates- Cilia Sporozoans- Do not move & are parasitic Example: Plasmodium, causes Malaria –carried by the Anopheles mosquito
Major Types of Protists: Plant-like Protists – Algae (7): Autotrophs Unicellular Algae: Euglenophytes: 2 flagella, no cell wall Chrysophytes: Gold-colored chloroplast Diatoms: Cell walls with silicon Dinoflagellates: Example- Phytoplankton, half of the photosynthesis that occurs on Earth (right) Multicellular Algae: Red Algae Brown Algae Green Algae ->
Major Types of Protists: Fungus-like Protists (3): Heterotrophs that absorb nutrients from dead/decaying organic matter Have centrioles No cell wall made of chitin Slime Molds (Cellular) Slime Molds (Acellular) Water Molds (Below)
The wonder of Algae: Economic use: Medical use: Ice cream, salad dressing, pudding, candy bars, plastics, deodorants, paints, etc. Medical use: Agar- used to make the nutrient solutions that scientist use to grow bacteria in Petri dishes