Indicators Tuesday, November 11th, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Indicators Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

Do Now HW Thursday we will have a chance to retake the test I put the test online so you can look at the questions that you got wrong Do Now Write down what you remember from the last VSVS lesson about acids and bases.

Objectives SWBAT describe the pH scale. SWBAT identify how indicators are used to identify the pH of acids and bases. Essential Questions What is the pH scale? How are indicators used to measure acids and bases?

Essential Vocabulary pH Indicator A measurement of how acidic or how basic a substance is. Indicator A substance that tells us if a substance is an acid or a base

More about pH It is a logarithmic scale Ratio of H+ to OH- ions A substance with a pH of 3 is 10 times more concentrated than a substance with a pH of 4 Ratio of H+ to OH- ions Distilled water has a pH of 7 H+ equals OH- ions Acids have a pH less than 7 More H+ ions Bases have a pH greater than 7 More OH- ions

Who wants to see a magic trick? Indicators

Litmus paper Blue Red Acid Turns red No change Base Turns blue “Base to Blue”

Answer the Essential Questions What is the pH scale? How are indicators used to measure acids and bases?

Exit Ticket What is the pH of an acid? What is the pH of a base? What is the pH of distilled water? What will happen if you… Put blue litmus paper in an acid? Put blue litmus paper in a base? Put red litmus paper in an acid? Put red litmus paper in a base?