Influences on Perception Module 17
Perceptual Set Context Effects Emotion & Motivation Perceptual set – a mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another Determined by the schemas that form from our experiences Done through top-down processing (Past experiences) Context Effects The brain works backwards in time to allow a later stimulus determine how we perceive an earlier one. The context creates an expectation that influences our perception Emotion & Motivation Emotions and motivations influences our perceptions Walking distances look further when fatigued Hill looks steeper after hearing sad song rather than an upbeat son Culture Arranged marriages
Telepathy – mind to mind communication Extrasensory perception – the controversial claim that perception can occur apart from sensory input Telepathy – mind to mind communication Clairvoyance – perceiving remote events Precognition – perceiving future events Psychokinesis – mind over matter Parapsychology – the study of paranormal phenomena To believe, one must believe the brain is capable of perceiving without sensory input Psychologists/parapsychologists have been unable to replicate ESP phenomena under controlled conditions – these rare events happen by chance