3 Questions For Pastors To Ask HOW DO CULTURES WORK/CHANGE? Elites (Institutions) or Grass Roots Presence Response: We Need Practices HOW DOES POWER WORK? Power is Ubiquitous – but what about God’s Presence Response: Making Space for God’s Presence HOW DOES THE CHURCH ENGAGE? Formation of individuals in community versus shaping a whole way of life in the places we live. Response: Discipling People in all Three Places
Luke 22:26-30 1 Cor 11:17-33 Mark 2:15-17 , Luke 19:1-10, Luke 10: 4-9 Mark 6:30-44 Acts 27:33-36 Jon 6:53-58
The church of a 1000
Or the church of 100 x 10 = 1,000