Lets take the 21 day challenge!! Creating brain waves of happiness by raising positivity in the present…
5 components of 21 day challenge: 1. 3 Graditudes: (this will allow your brain to scan for the positives) 2. Journaling: Writing about a positive experience that happened to you in the past 24 hours will allow you to relive that experience. 3. Exercise: Teach your brain that behavior matters. 4. Meditaiton: Allow your brain to focus on the task at hand. 5. 1 Random act of kindness: Praise or thank someone in your social support network via e-mail, text, note, card etc. (be creative)
21 day Happiness Challenge 1. 3 Gratitudes: 2. Journaling: (Skip 4 or 5 lines) 3. Exercise: Zumba class 1 hr. 4. Meditation: Do this in class 5. 1 random act of kindness: Sent a positive e-mail about one of my students.