Unit 2 day 2 Warm-up Grab a simplifying radicals review sheet from the top of the laptop cart. Complete problems 1, 9, 10, 17, 19, 21 (change to cubed root), 24, 33, 40, 47 Make sure your HW is out on your desk!!
Hw 2-1 answers 3 2 6 2 𝑖 3𝑖 −21 2 𝑖 210 −5 3 4 2 𝑖 6 5 𝑖 15 5 𝑖 rational, real Natural, whole, integer, rational, real Irrational, real Integer, rational, real Imaginary
Day 2: Complex and imaginary numbers
Let’s talk about what this means
Additive inverse Goal: Find the expression which when added to the original expression will have a sum of zero!
Simplifying with “𝒊” The rules are pretty much the same as simplifying expression that do not have an “𝑖”! The ONLY DIFFERENCE is that you should NEVER leave 𝑖 to any power! (This piece can always be simplified
Mixed review days 1-2 Work with your neighbor on the review sheet. This will be a great review tool for the upcoming quiz!!
Challenge time!!!!!