All dimension in mm Set A Find the pressure drop when water flow through the pipe in following three situations in case of laminar flow and create the vector scene of velocity, scalar scene of pressure, volume mesh scene , determine in which case the pressure drop is large and why ? Equivalent pipe means a pipe having same losses to the original pipe. Take Re=2000. outlet inlet ci cy Circular Pipe R=25 Circular pipe R-25 R=25 r s Rectangular Pipe 60x50 Rectangular pipe 60x50 60x50 outlet inlet Equivalent pipe to pipe (a) (c) (a) (b) All dimension in mm
All dimension in mm Set B Find the pressure drop when water flow through the pipe in following situation in case of laminar Flow and create the vector scene of velocity ,scalar scene of pressure ,volume mesh scene ,determine which case pressure drop is large and why ? Take Re=2000 outlet inlet s cy Square pipe Square pipe R=25 r s circular Pipe R=25 circular pipe 60x50 R=25 outlet inlet Equivalent pipe (c) (a) (b) r All dimension in mm D=50
Set C Find the pressure drop when water flow through the pipe in following situation in case of laminar Flow and create the vector scene of velocity ,scalar scene of pressure ,volume mesh scene ,determine which case pressure drop is large and why? Take Re=2000 outlet inlet cir cy circular pipe Circular pipe R=25 R-25 R=25 s Square pipe 60x60 60x60 outlet inlet Equivalent pipe (c) (a) (b) All dimension in mm