Falls Learning Session 4 - Data Session 4th October 2011 Falls Learning Session 4 - Data Session David Williams Insert name of presentation on Master Slide
Outcomes of today PDSA review Database tips and exercise Future measure discussion Without measurable data we are at the mercy of anecdote. If you make an assumption based on anecdote rather than data, it will nearly always be wrong because we remember the unusual, not the mundane.
The PDSA cycle Act Plan Study Do Adapt? Adopt ? Abandon? Plan what to do and predict the effect Study Do 1st lesson – PDSA Explain the cycle Compare result to prediction and summarise learning Carry out the plan and document what happened
Build your PDSAs D S P A A P S D A P S D So also PDSA cycles for a change build on each other A P S D
Discussion - Your PDSAs Since March the PDSAs you have completed. Your current PDSAs. Which PDSA that you have done has made the largest improvement? What are your current compliance rates for your bundles? Future PDSAs will be selected later today.
Database tips – Baseline and zero patients periods New version available that
Database tips – Using MWork and WWork tabs Number received intervention/bundle Number expected to receive intervention/bundle Percentage received intervention/bundle of those expected On exercise point out that the 50% datapoint is not something to stress about if one is missing.
Database tips – Auto changing axis
Calculating bundle compliance How the database works, reassure that this is already the practice
Database tips – 100% bundle compliance Opportunity to tighten the definitions/look at different interventions/start looking at different bundles Mention 95% reliability
Future Measures Discussion What other bundles could you use? Could you invite a service that you refer to join the collaborative and record a bundle? Are there any other specific data items for your service that you would like to record?
Database Returns Please check that your charts are showing what you expect – timeliness of the interventions may be an issue Request the latest version of the database (Version 2.3) Please send through the whole database every month
Email: david.williams20@wales.nhs.uk Questions? Email: david.williams20@wales.nhs.uk