CS/COE0447 Computer Organization & Assembly Language Logic Design
Logic Design Digital hardware is implemented by way of “logic design” Digital circuits process and produce two discrete values: 0 and 1 Example: 1-bit full adder (FA)
Layered Design Logic design is done using logic gates Often we design desired function using high-level languages at somewhat higher level than logic gates Microarchitecture Function blocks Logic gates Transistors
Logic Gates 2-input AND Y=A&B Y=A|B 2-input OR 2-input NAND Y=~(A&B) 2-input NOR Y=~(A|B) Y B
Function Impl. Using Gates … ? … inputs outputs
Describing a Function OutputA = F(Input0, Input1, …, InputN-1) OutputB = F’(Input0, Input1, …, InputN-1) OutputC = F’’(Input0, Input1, …, InputN-1) … Methods Truth table Sum of products Product of sums
Truth Table Input Output A B Cin S Cout 1
Truth Table, Cont’d S = A’B’Cin+A’BCin’+AB’Cin’+ABCin Input Output A B Cin S Cout 1 S = A’B’Cin+A’BCin’+AB’Cin’+ABCin Cout = A’BCin+AB’Cin+ABCin’+ABCin
Combinational vs. Sequential Logic Combinational logic A function whose outputs are dependent only on the current input As soon as inputs are known, outputs can be computed Sequential logic Some memory elements (i.e., state) Outputs are dependent on current state and current input Next state is dependent on current state and current input
Combinational Logic … … inputs outputs
Sequential Logic … … inputs outputs next state current state clock
Implementing Combinational Logic Any combinational logic can be implemented using sum of products or product of sums Input-output relationship can be defined in a truth table From a truth table, each output function can be derived Boolean expressions can be further manipulated using various Boolean algebraic principles
Boolean Algebra Boole, George (1815~1864): mathematician and philosopher; inventor of Boolean Algebra, the basis of all computer arithmetic Binary values: 0, 1 Two binary operations: AND (/), OR () One unary operation: NOT (~)
Boolean Algebra, cont’d Binary operations: AND (/), OR () Idempotent aa = a+a = a Commutative ab = ba a+b = b+a Associative a(bc) = (ab)c a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c Distributive a(b+c) = ab + ac a+(bc) = (a+b)(a+c)
Boolean Algebra, cont’d De Morgan’s laws ~(a+b) = ~a~b ~(ab) = ~a+~b More… a+(ab) = a a(a+b) = a ~~a=a a+~a = 1 a(~a) = 0
Expressive Power With AND/OR/NOT, we can express any function in Boolean algebra Indeed, any combination logic can be implemented using AND/OR/NOT gate Sum of products Nand and Nor gates are Universal: all boolean functions can be implemented using only Nand gates, or only Nor gates In Lecture: we showed this for Nand gates
Multiplexor In lecture, we saw a gate implementation of a MUX A Y B 1 Y B 1 S Y = (S) ? B:A;
A 32-bit Multiplexor
Simplifying Expressions Think of Cout in our Adder Cout = A’BCin+AB’Cin+ABCin’+ABCin Cout = BCin+ACin+AB Input Output A B Cin S Cout 1
Karnaugh Map [not covered Sp 2007] 1 BCin 00 ACin 01 1 11 1 1 BCin 10 1 AB Cout = BCin+AB+ACin
Implementing Comb. Logic PLA (Programming Logic Array) A direct implementation of sum of products form pla.html (thanks to: www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2003/cmsc311/Notes/Comb/pla.html) ROM (Read Only Memory) Interpret the truth table as fixed values stored in memory Using logic gate chips (74LS…)
74LS Series Chips contain several logic gates 2-input OR gate SN 74LS04 Hex inverter gate SN 74LS08 Quad 2-input AND gate SN 74LS32 Quad 2-input OR gate
Building a 1-bit ALU ALU = Arithmetic Logic Unit
Building a 32-bit ALU
Implementing “SUB”
Implementing “NAND”/”NOR”
Implementing “SLT”
Implementing “SLT”, cont’d
Supporting “BEQ”/”BNE” Need a “zero-detector”
ALU Symbol Note that it’s a combinational logic
ALU Control (figure 5.12)
ALU Control Logic Design For single-cycle control (multi-cycle involves the clock)
End of the material covered Spring 2007
RS Latch Note that there are feedbacks!
RS Latch, cont’d 1 1 1 When R=0, S=1
RS Latch, cont’d 1 1 1 When R=1, S=0
RS Latch, cont’d 1 1 When R=0, S=0, and Q was 0
RS Latch, cont’d 1 1 When R=0, S=0, and Q was 1
RS Latch, cont’d 1 1 What happens if R=S=1?
D Latch Note that we have an R-S latch as a back-end
D Latch, cont’d R S Note that S, R inputs always get inverted input of D when C=1 When C=0, S=R=0, remembering the previous value
D Latch, cont’d R C D Q(t) Q(t-1) 1 S
D Latch, cont’d D Q D Latch C Q’
D Flip-Flop (D-FF) Two D latches are cascaded, with opposite clock
D Flip-Flop, cont’d D Q D-FF C Q’
Register File Implementation we’ll return to this in appendix B
Reg. File Impl., cont’d we’ll return to this in appendix B 1 1 1 1 1 0x11223344 0x11223344
To Summarize… In digital logic, transistors are used as simple switches Logic gate is an abstraction of multiple transistor network A combinational logic block has inputs and outputs that depend on the current inputs A sequential logic block is composed of some combinational logic and memory that keeps the current state
To Summarize…, cont’d Boolean algebra provides theory for digital logic Combinational logic can be implemented using PLA (and many other methods) An ALU for MIPS architecture has been built!
To Summarize…, cont’d Flip-flops were used as a memory element An FSM can be implemented using FFs and some combinational logic