Burns/Dudley/Marrero Nov 12-16, 2018 ELA: Dudley/Burns Homeroom: We will begin the next novel, Code Talker. Students have been given the vocabulary for the book. Please begin studying the vocabulary for the test. Test TBA Comma Quiz on Thursday. Students have study material. Marrero Homeroom: Biography Study- Roberto Clemente. Students have vocabulary to study for the test on Thursday. Comma Quiz on Thursday. Students have study material. 2nd Nine Week Language Skills: correlative conjunctions, reference materials (print and digital), synonyms/antonyms/homophones, comma rules for introductory elements, yes/no, tag questions, and direct address Writing Focus: Informational SCHEDULE: BOOK WEEK!!! MONDAY: VETERAN ASSEMBLY; STEM NIGHT 6-8PM TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY:GT ELA Contract Due; Science Unit 3 Test THURSDAY: Comma Quiz; Marrero Reading Test “Roberto Clemente”; Students may wear Super Hero shirts and Uniform Bottoms today! FRIDAY: FIELD TRIP ELA BIOGRAPHY PROJECTS DUE: DECEMBER 4th Math: This week we will work on adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. In 5th grade students are not required to simplify fractions when adding and subtracting. Students are also not required to find the least common denominator when making equivalent fractions. SCIENCE: We will continue to review earth landforms. Science Unit 3 Assessment have been moved to Thursday, November 29th. Please be sure to review the study guide with your child. SS: This week we will continue to learn about WWII. We will cover several WWII issues this week including the Holocaust D-Day and the atomic bombs.