Prime Time Oct. 30-Nov. 3
Source 2 PRIME Time: Use your Ch. 4 Sec. 1 Note Page to answer each question. 10/2/18 Take out a sheet of loose-Leaf Paper!!!! Source 1 2. What rights did the colonists ask the king to protect in the Declaration of Rights? 1. Explain the division that is developing in the colonies? Source 3 Source 3 3. Where are the Redcoats going and why? 4. How did this person feel about KGIII and Parliament?
No Prime Time Today: Wednesday, Oct. 3rd Take out your Ch. 4 Vocabulary Worksheet (make sure your name is on it). Take out your Bonus Vocab. Assignment if you did it (make sure your name is on it). Pass both up and over. Begin the Vocabulary Quiz that is on your desk. You have 15 minutes.
REVIEW FOR UNIT 1 POST TEST NEXT WEEK: 1.Number your paper 1-6. Prime Time: Thursday, Oct. 4: Complete today’s Prime Time on the same paper from Tuesday. REVIEW FOR UNIT 1 POST TEST NEXT WEEK: 1.Number your paper 1-6. 2. When the tardy bell rings and Mrs. Pace switches the slide you will have 2 minutes to answer the questions on each slide.