Ancient India
The Shaping of Indian Culture c. 1500-500 B.C. The Indo-Aryans The Shaping of Indian Culture c. 1500-500 B.C.
The Origins of the Indo-Aryans The Indo-Aryans originated in Central Asia and invaded the subcontinent of India starting around 1500 B.C. They are related to the Indo-European language group of nations and share similarities with modern Europeans and Iranians among other groups The Sanskrit language that they introduced to India is closely related to modern English, Spanish, and German They were a nomadic people who valued their oral traditions and maintained a warrior culture
While isolated from the rest of Asia, the Indian subcontinent is accessible through major passes in the Hindu Kush range in what is now present-day Afghanistan The Aryans would have likely made their way into the region through the Khyber Pass and, from there, across the rest of India Aryan Invasion Routes Hindu Kush Indus River Valley Himalayas Ganges River Valley Deccan Plateau
The Vedas Indo-Aryan culture survived through oral traditions for hundreds of years until they were ultimately written down The most important work is the Vedas, four collections of hymns, prayers, stories, and instructions for rituals The Rig Veda is the most important of these works and provides some of the earliest evidence of the Aryan polytheistic belief system Aryan gods tended to be heroic figures associated with sometimes destructive forces of nature, such as the fire god, Agni Early manuscript of the Rig Veda (above); image of the fire god, Agni (below)
Hinduism Hinduism differs from other religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam in that there is no one single founder or one set of beliefs that must be followed. There are thousands of Hindu gods and goddesses in Hinduism. Most of the beliefs of Hinduism came from the oral traditions of the Aryans which became the Vedas—or holy writings—of the Hindus. However, there is no single sacred text.
Hindu Beliefs… God is one, but is known by many names. Everything in the universe is part of the unchanging, all-powerful force called Brahman. Brahman is too complex for most people to understand. They worship gods that give a concrete form to Brahman. Gods are Brahma the Creator; Vishnu the preserver, Shiva, the destroyer All are aspects of Brahman Every person has an essential life, or atman.
More Hindu beliefs But even the atman is just another name for Brahman. The ultimate goal is to attain moksha, union with Brahman. Since this usually takes more than one lifetime, Hindus believe in reincarnation.
Reincarnation Central to Hinduism is the belief in reincarnation. Hindus believe that after a person dies, they will be re- born as some other creature or thing. What you are re- born as depends on your “Karma” or the deeds you did in your previous life. If you did good deeds, you will reborn into a higher, better life. If you had bad Karma, you may be re-born as an insect or even a tree.
More Hindu Beliefs… All existence is ranked: Brahman, humans, animals, plants, things. To help escape the wheel of fate, dharma, religious duties, can help one acquire merit for the next life. Ahimsa is another key principle of Hinduism; nonviolence.
Caste System One social custom brought to India by the Aryans was the caste system. This system put every person in society into a certain class from which they could never advance. The caste system was very effective in keeping social order but it was rigid and strict. Those in the lowest caste were looked down on by upper caste members and could never change castes.
Caste System India’s caste system is divided into many different classes, each with its own job. The highest class is the Brahmans, or priests. They have great authority and respect.
Caste System The next level are the kshatriya warriors, or land-owners. They are often in the wealthy, ruling class. In early times, they were the armies for the many princes of India. They are called Kshatriya
Caste System The Vaishya are the merchants and artisans. They are the people who sell products. They, like all members of each caste, cannot ever change their caste.
Caste System The lowest level are the artisans and farmers. They are called Shudra. They are very important because they provide food and goods for society. Like members of every caste, they must marry within their own caste.
Caste System The lowest group in India are the Pariahs. They are also called the “untouchables” or “outcasts” because they are not even considered part of the caste system. Their job is to do all the worst jobs in the community such as cleaning latrines and sewers and sweeping the streets. Members of the caste system were not even supposed to have the shadow of an untouchable touch them. These people believed that the only way to get out of their lot in life was to perform their jobs without complaint so they could be born into a higher caste in the next life.
Bindi Religious symbol Worship one’s intellect The third eye Red represents honor, love, and prosperity Cultural tradition Cosmetic mark to enhance beauty
Festivals and Holy Days no set day of the week is holy-each days has its possibilities Religious festivals may be solar or lunar-lunar is preferred In order to keep festivals consistent, an additional lunar month is added to the calendar about every three years. Some numbered days of the month are more important than others. There are 125 special days in the Hindu year.
Kumbh Mela “Pilgrims plodded for months in heat to get here, worn, poor and hungry but sustained by unwavering faith” -Mark Twain 1885- "kumbh mela" is a mass pilgramage aith in which Hindus gather to bathe in a sacred river. It is considered to be the largest peacful gathering in the world with over 100 million people visiting during the Maha Kumbh Mela in 2013. It is held every third year at one of the four places by rotation.
Buddhism Founder = Siddhartha Gautama Prince from northern India Lived a sheltered and luxurious life Asked his charioteer to drive him around the city outside of the palace walls Was shocked to see the violence, old age, sickness, disease, and hardship that existed
Siddhartha Gautama Set out on a 7-year quest to find spiritual enlightenment and an answer to why this suffering existed One day while meditating under a tree, he recieved a flash of insight for the source of suffering Taught what he learned --> his followers renamed him the Buddha = the Enlightened One
Four Noble Truths All people suffer and know sorrow. People suffer because desires bind them to the cycle of rebirth. People can end their suffering by eliminating their desires. People can eliminate their desires by following the Eight-Fold Path.
Eight-Fold Path Know the truth Resist evil Say nothing to hurt others Respect life Work for the good of others Free your mind of evil Control your thoughts Practice meditation
Nirvana Following this path would lead to nirvana = state of enlightenment Not a place (like Heaven) State of peace and serenity with universe
Hinduism and Buddhism Compared Similarities Differences Hinduism and Buddhism Karma Dharma Reincarnation Moksha/ Nirvana Buddhism rejects the priests of Hinduism, the formal rituals, and the caste system. Buddha urged people to seek enlightenment through meditation
Buddhism vs. Hinduism Similarities Karma Rebirth/reincarnation Practice of meditation Final release from cycle of rebirth
Buddhism vs. Hinduism Differences Buddhism rejects: Religious authority of Hindu Brahmins Hindu caste system Hindu deities
Contributions Many advances in science, medicine, astronomy, and mathematics came out of India. This is a depiction of an ancient Indian book that predicts eclipses of the sun and moon.
Contributions India had many advances in medicine. One doctor from Ancient India wrote a book on how he rebuilt noses through plastic surgery. He no doubt needed to do this often since having one’s nose cut off was one of the punishments for committing a crime.
Contributions This is a sample of elaborate mathematical calculations taken from an Indian text around 600 BC. An Indian named Brahmagupta is credited with inventing the idea of “0”(zero). This changed greatly how mathematics could be used.
Contributions Ancient India is also credited with inventing the magnetic compass. Indians sailed the Indian Ocean in boats the were guided by a metal “fish” floating in oil. The fish pointed north, acting as a compass for the boats.