Push the Limits Live What You Believe JAMES Push the Limits Live What You Believe Confronting Sin James 5:19-20
Charles Templeton
Billy Graham
Jim White
Discussion Guide 1. What is the responsibility of a Christian to a fellow believer who has wandered from the truth? (James 5:19) A Christian who sees a fellow believer wander from the truth should find a way to bring him/her back.
Discussion Guide 2. What might cause a believer to stumble or fall away from his/her faith?
Discussion Guide 3. When you see a fellow believer stray from God are you most likely to: Watch in disappointment? Keep your distance so that you are not identified with the sin of that other believer? Look for ways to bring him/her back?
4. What are the risks you might face for attempting to bring him back? Discussion Guide 4. What are the risks you might face for attempting to bring him back?
Discussion Guide 5. How could you help someone who has wandered away from a close personal relationship with God?
Discussion Guide 6. What is the benefit of helping a fellow believer who has wandered away from the truth? (James 5:20) If you help a fellow believer come back to God you will save that person from death and cover a multitude of sins.
Discussion Guide 7. What do you think James meant when he says “whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death?” Do you think that James means that a believer can lose his salvation?
Discussion Guide 8. Who do you know who has drifted away from the Lord? What will you do about it?