Unit 1: Day 1 1.Since the clay was __________, I was able to bend it easily. 2. It is a sign of his immaturity when he chose to ____ the younger students. 3. Follow my directions word for word to receive full credit. 4. Write a sentence using DOUR.
Unit 1: Day 2 1. The twigs that were to be woven into the basket were soaked in water to make them more _______. 2. Perhaps I would be bored with the ________ lifestyle of a millionaire, but I'm willing to try it. 3. After Sparky died, I was deprived of the companionship of a pet. 4. Compose a sentence using the word UNKEMPT
Unit 1: Day 3 1. Have you heard the joke about the _____ loafer who was equally poor at not working with either hand. 2. Because the situation was changing so rapidly, any plans we make to deal with it can be no more than ______. 3. The same old commercial slogans are repeated on TV. 4. Compose a sentence using the word GUISE
Unit 1 Day 4 1.An experienced baseball manager _____ his outfielders according to the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing batters. 2. We learned that beneath his _______ exterior was a sensitive, highly subtle, and perceptive mind. 3. Rewrite using a vocab word I proceeded carefully in unknown waters. 4. Compose a sentence using the word GAPE
Unit 1: Day 5 1. America's earliest settlers faced the hardships of life on the frontier with faith and _____. 2. Having learned to respect the power in his opponent's fists, the boxer moved ____ around the ring. 3. The water was polluted with toxic chemicals. 4. Compose a sentence using the word REITERATE
Unit 1: Day 6 1. Since I need to know his exact words, I have asked for you to repeat his testimony ______. 2. Do you expect me to listen to a lot of tired old ideas dressed up in the ______ of brilliant new insights? 3. Why would you jeer at my honest mistake? 4. Compose a sentence using the word STOLID
Unit 1: Day 7 1. As the magician's assistant seemed to vanish into thin air, the audience ______ in amazement. 2. The commander called his troops together & asked for more volunteers to ____ the strength of the raiding party. 3. Rewrite using a vocab word The prince hosted a lavish holiday party. 4. Compose a sentence using the word INSIDIOUS
Unit 1: Day 8 1. Why would someone so neat and tidy appear in public in such an _____ state? 2. Since his acceptance of the invitation was only___________, the hostess may be one person short at the dinner party. 3. Her unchanging face gave no hint at her true feelings. 4. Compose a sentence using the word PLIABLE
Unit 1: Day 9 1. The millionaire's ______ lifestyle proves excessive consumerism is a problem. 2. The President must decide if he wants to _______ troops to Syria 3. The opposing team may cast jeers at our team 4. Compose a sentence using the word AMBIDEXTROUS
Unit 1: Day 10 1. The ______ face of our teacher let us know that she was not pleased with our harmless prank. 2. I needed to ___ the memory of my laptop so I bought a external hard drive. 3. We were amazed by the supple movements of the gymnast. 4. Compose a sentence using the word AUGMENT