Metas: I can understand cognates from a poem to help me interpret its meaning. I can move from identifying vocab about classroom rules & activities to using it to communicate in my writing and speaking. Enfoque: Conversación con un compañero Discutir el poema Versos sencillos Leer Fondo Cultural Cuba en página 25 Escuchar Guantanamera. Oportunidad para grupos que quieren recitar el poema de memoria por puntos extras. Repaso del vocabulario: página 40 (escucha y repite) Quizlet Live Game. Show students how to do independent Learn, Study, or game options through or app Vocab Check Sheets 1-4 in Guided Practice wkbk p. 23 to 26 Práctica Hablar con compañeros de Panamá: Actividad 5 (p. 23) y Actividad 12 (p. 26) Tarea #3: Vocabulary production (you'll finally receive this today and possibly have time to complete in class)
Enfoque: Conversación con compañero (Hablar y Escuchar) Decide who is partner A or B. Take turns asking and responding to these questions: A: ¿Cuáles materiales tienes en tu mochila? ¿Qué tienes en tu armario? B: Respond using Spanish vocabulary of what you actually have in these locations. B: ¿Qué tipo de materiales necesitas para hacer un proyecto? A: Respond using Spanish vocabulary of what you would really need. A: ¿Qué haces tú para sacar buenas notas? B: Respond using Spanish vocabulary relating to what YOU really do. B: ¿Prefieres dar un discurso o escribir un informe? ¿Por qué? A: Respond with the option you really would prefer and give a reason why. Consider a speed dating or concentric circle format for this. You can try setting up the chairs into groups of 8 chairs so that they are able to rotate partners. Instead of A and B, you would call them rounds or questions. You can maybe print out a half sheet for them. Add the question ¿Cuál es una regla en tu clase de español?
Guantanamera Did you know "The Star Spangled Banner" was originally a poem written by Francis Scott Key? Many patriotic songs have roots in Guantanamera which was inspired by the poem we just read and memorized! Read Fondo Cultural: Cuba (un voluntario)
Poetry Recital Opportunity Finish collaborating with your team to recite the poem. Remember, you can use hand gestures, actions, or song to interpret this poem (also aides in memorizing it)!
Quizlet Live Game IMPORTANTE: Estudiantes, please note that playing Quizlet Live in class is different than actually signing up for my Quizlet class. You are expected to join my class, create a username and do independent practice at home! I expect you ALL to be signed up at this point. I'll be going over how I expect you to use Quizlet and what I can see when you practice. PLEASE USE THIS RESOURCE! I guarantee the extra practice will pay off on your quizzes and exams.
Vocab Check Sheets in Guided Practice workbook pages 23 to 26 Now that you've had a few days of input (listening to the vocab in use) and identifying, try to see what you're able to recall and spell. If you are absolutely at a loss, you may use pages 18- 19 or 40 to help you spell the word correctly. Give this your best shot and evaluate how much studying, repetition and memorization you will need to do to get this vocab down.
Speaking and Writing Practice with amigos de Panamá *entiendes (entender) = you understand Speaking and Writing Practice with amigos de Panamá *piensa (pensar) = you think *siempre = always Actividad 5 en página 23 de Realidades Speak with your partner about what these students do at school. Try to describe action and location (which class or where they are). Trade off asking and answering: 3 each "¿Qué hace/hacen ____________ en la clase de____________?" Lisa repite las palabras para aprender de memoria el vocabulario en la clase de español. Actividad 12 en página 26 First, you will be writing. Answer these questions according to your personal classes and experiences. If you need help understanding what the question is asking, raise your hand and I will come by or you can ask your partner to help you figure it out. When you finish writing, share your responses with your partner.
Tarea #3: Vocabulary Production worksheet Use pages 18, 19 or 40 of Realidades 2 (remember, you have access to E-book via or Clever) or Quizlet to help if you cannot recall these. Do some practice...test on 9/11 for A Day, 9/12 B Day.