Serfs in Medieval Times By Shelby, Kadence and Jordan
Questions What age for both genders were allowed to get married? What is the mixture called that houses are made of?
Our 3D Project URLS for pictures +with+a+flat+roof&oq=serf+shack%2F+home+in+the+middle+ages+with+a+flat+roof&gs_l=img.3...23973.30343..30621...1.0..0.538.2431.14j2j4-1j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.E_0P6_K8QhM#imgrc=iR9oU-EVm1uaAM: hack/+home+in+the+middle+ages&sourc e=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi 6uOndp5nfAhX3FTQIHZylAN0Q_AUIDigB &cshid=1544584250683000&biw=1366& bih=651#imgrc=H91x4Z6hzNM9TM: Our 3D Project
Medieval Clothing Medieval clothing was basic and practical, a medieval clothing consisted of: a blouse of cloth or skin fastened by a leather belt, Shoes or large boots, Short wooden trousers, from some belts hung a sheath for knives. URL for picture- Jordan's topic
Marriage Girls had to be at least 12 years old to marry and guys had to be at least 14 years old to marry. They would stand outside the church the bride on the left and the groom on the right facing the priest. [if they could afford one] People that usually get married don’t know each other until after the wedding. Especially serfs. Usually the bride brings some type of wealth with her when she gets married. And whatever happens to the marriage the husband kept that wealth. The URL for the photo is students/materials/medieval- era/marriage.html Kadence's topic
Wedding "Rituals" “A couple and their families would have a large feast after the wedding, this is still carried on in today's society with the wedding reception.” Said the people that run lifeblue. Everything else is basically the same as now Kadence's topic
Divorce With divorce the guys had more opportunities to do it but it was hard. One reason is if the girl or guy is underage. the other reason is if the girl promised the church to become a nun and isn’t a Christian and the bride's family kept that from the groom’s family. Then if the lie was exposed, if he wished the groom could get a divorced. The URL for the photo is students/materials/medieval-era/marriage.html Kadence's topic
Childhood To bring to families together. And so their parents don’t have to do as much work. They were treated like adults as soon they could walk and talk. If they wore clothes that looked like their parents they would have to behave like an adult. As a child you won’t be treated like a whole person by you family or by society. The website that we used for this topic: Kadence’s topic
Taxing for a Serf
Food The URLs for the pictures are: ,