Initial Thoughts on GAC Operating Principles Evolution Guo Feng, Pär Brumark Support Staff: Robert Hoggarth Barcelona, Spain 24 October 2018
I. Purpose of the Working Group Study, develop and make recommendations to the GAC for changes to the current GAC OP; Help the GAC improve the organization, scope, clarity and specificity of the committee’s processes and procedures; Enable the GAC to adjust and adapt to operate more effectively and efficiently as an Advisory Committee and as a member of the ICANN Empowered Community.
II. Scope of Work Modifications to or reorganization of the overall structure of the current GAC OP; Modification of existing OP ; Addition of new OP when necessary.
III. Working Group Membership 1. Participants: Representatives from any GAC member and GAC observer 2. Leadership: Coordinated by a team of two co-chairs with the initial co-chairs designated by the GAC Chair Subsequently, the GAC leadership can adjust the leadership structure of the group to best manage the work.
IV. Working Group Process & Methodology 1. Order of Work Priorities: Review the existing GAC OP framework and develop recommendations about the future ones; Develop recommendations for improving the specificity and clarity of GAC WG OP. Second Priority: Develop revised OP regarding the committee liaison functions between the GAC and other ICANN SO/AC. Other working areas directed by the GAC and its leadership team and working areas pursuant to discussion among WG members.
IV. Working Group Process & Methodology 2. Pace of Work Conduct deliberations intersessionally, between GAC f2f Meetings; Report progress to the GAC at every GAC f2f Meetings; Conduct its work by email and via conference call; Meet as often as practicable via conference call and during GAC f2f meeting.
IV. Working Group Process & Methodology 3. Decision making Substantive determinations for recommendations: Made by consensus of the WG members; When objected by a minority of the WG, those various views should be reported to the GAC leaders and members. Non-substantive WG matters(operational decisions): Determined by the WG leadership in consultation with WG members; WG member can express any concerns to the GAC leadership/Co- chairs when there are any operational disputes.
V. Working Group Timeline A considerable period of time, 2-years period is expected; Consult with the GAC leadership and members twice a year; After first 2-years mandate, Review progress and assess whether additional efforts are needed to support the project.
VI. Support for The Working Group 1. Staff Support: Two members of the GAC Support staff; Assure operational support of WG calls; Assist document development and publication. 2. Web Page Support: Create an activity page of WG on the GAC website; List WG members and records of the WG meetings. 3. Email List for WG members to collaborate and exchange views. 4. Use other tools like Adobe Connect and Google docs for WG meetings.
Thanks for your attention! Questions and Comments please