Science Jeopardy Scientific Method Rocks and Minerals Dynamic Earth Astronomy Evolution 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy
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A-100 ANSWER: Observation or inference: The walls in the classroom are blue. QUESTION: What is an observation?
A-200 ANSWER: the part of the experiment that remains the same to be used as a comparison QUESTION: what is the control group?
A-300 ANSWER: the part of the experiment that is changed QUESTION: what is the independent variable?
A-400 ANSWER: the first step in the scientific method QUESTION: what is state the problem/ ask a question?
A-500 ANSWER: 25.666 cm rounded to the nearest tenths place value QUESTION: What is 25.7 cm
B-100 ANSWER: Rock that is forced downward and is altered due to heat and pressure. QUESTION: what is metamorphic rock?
B-200 ANSWER: Formed from fragments of rock that have been broken or weathered and cemented together QUESTION: what is sedimentary rock?
B-300 ANSWER: the name for the trace or remains of an organism that lived long ago, often found in rocks QUESTION: What is a fossil?
B-400 ANSWER: rock that forms when hot, liquid rock, or magma cools and solidifies? QUESTION: what is an igneous rock?
B-500 ANSWER: factors can affect the texture of an igneous rock QUESTION: what is cooling time?
C-100 ANSWER: A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other. QUESTION: what is a divergent plate boundary?
C-200 ANSWER: A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other QUESTION: what is a convergent plate boundary?
C-300 ANSWER: A line on a topographic map that connects points of equal elevation QUESTION: what is a contour line?
C-400 ANSWER: A weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface. QUESTION: what is a volcano?
C-500 ANSWER: A plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions. QUESTION: what is a transform boundary?
D-100 ANSWER: A collection of stars, dust, and gas bound together by gravity. QUESTION: What is a galaxy?
D-200 ANSWER: The movement of one object around another. The Earth's year-long elliptical orbit around the sun. The moon's orbit around the Earth every 28 days. QUESTION: what is revolution?
D-300 ANSWER: amount of time it takes Earth take to complete one orbit around the Sun? QUESTION: what is 1 year?
D-400 ANSWER: The time it takes for the Moon to completely orbit Earth is approximately a QUESTION: what is 1 month?
D-500 ANSWER: The study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space. QUESTION: what is a astronomy?
E-100 ANSWER: Any difference between individuals of the same species. QUESTION: what is variation?
E-200 ANSWER: A type of cell division that results in four daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell, as in the production of gametes. QUESTION: what is meiosis?
E-300 ANSWER: Any cells in the body other than reproductive cells (somatic cells) QUESTION: what are body calls?
E-400 ANSWER: A sex cell that has only half of the genetic material (in humans 23 chromosomes) QUESTION: what is a haploid cell?
E-500 ANSWER: The proper sequence, for the stages of mitosis QUESTION: What is Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase?