Overview of CLASS Classroom Assessment Scoring Tool Master Class on Assessment November 16, 2018 Prepared by Andrea Racek, MEd
CLASS measures: Interaction and Effective Teaching The CLASS measure organizes effective classroom interactions into three broad categories or domains. From Class Observation Training Participant Guide Teacher-Child Interactions Emotional Support Classroom Organization Instructional Support
Domains Dimensions Indicators Behavioral Markers
Emotional Support Domain Dimensions and Indicators Positive Climate Relationships Positive Affect Positive Communication Respect Negative Climate Negative Affect Punitive Control Sarcasm/Disrespect Severe Negativity Teacher Sensitivity Awareness Responsiveness Addresses Problems Student Comfort Regard for Student Perspectives Flexibility and student focus Support for Autonomy and Leadership Student Expression Restriction of Movement
Classroom Organization Domain Dimensions and Indicators Behavior Management Clear Behavior Expectations Proactive Redirection of Misbehavior Student Behavior Productivity Maximizing Learning Time Routines Transitions Preparation Instructional Learning Formats Effective Facilitation Variety of Modalities and Materials Student Interest Clarity of Learning Objectives
Instructional Support Domain Dimensions and Indicators Concept Development Analysis and Reasoning Creating Integration Connections to the Real World Quality of Feedback Scaffolding Feedback Loops Prompting Thought Processes Providing Information Encouragement and Affirmation Language Modeling Frequent Conversation Open-Ended Questions Repetition and Extension Self- and Parallel Talk Advanced Language
Behavioral Markers Physical proximity Verbal affection Shared activities Physical affection Peer assistance Positive expectations Matched affect Social conversation Respectful Language Smiling Eye Contact Laughter Warm, calm voice Enthusiasm Cooperation/sharing Irritability Yelling Anger Threats Harsh voice Physical Control Peer aggression Harsh punishment Disconnected/escalating negativity Sarcastic voice/comment Bullying Teasing Victimization Humiliation Physical punishment Teacher involvement Effective questioning Expanding children’s involvement Range of auditory, visual, and movement opp. Interesting and creative materials Hands-on opportunities Active participation Advance organizers Listening Summaries Focused attention Reorientation statements Why and/or How questions Planning Problem Solving Brainstorming Prediction/experimentation Producing Classification/comparison Evaluation Real-world applications Related to student’s lives Integrates with previous knowledge Connect concepts
Behavioral Markers Continued Anticipates problems and plans accordingly Notices lack of understanding and/or difficulties Acknowledges emotions Provides comfort and assistance Provides individualized support Helps in and effective and timely manner Helps resolve problems Seeks support and guidance Flexibility Freely participates Incorporates student ideas Takes risks Follows lead Allows Choice Allows movement Allows students to lead lessons Is not rigid Gives students responsibilities Clear expectations Encourages student talk Consistency Elicits ideas and/or perspectives Clarity of rules Anticipates problem behavior or escalation Low reactivity Monitors Effective reduction of misbehavior Attention to the positive Uses subtle cues to redirect Efficient redirection Frequent compliance Little aggression Little defiance Students know what to do Clear Instructions Little wandering Materials ready and accessible Scaffolding hints Knows lessons feedback Back-and-forth exchanges Expansion Persistence by teacher Clarification Follow-up questions Specific feedback
Behavioral Markers Continued Asks students to explain thinking Queries responses and actions Choice when finished Few disruptions Pacing Effective completion of managerial tasks Provision of activities Recognition Reinforcement Student persistence Back-and-forth-conversations Contingent responding Peer conversations Brief transitions Explicit follow-through learning opportunities within transitions Students respond to open-ended questions Questions that require more than one-word answer Repeats student responses Extends/elaborates responses Maps own actions with language Maps student action with language Variety of words used Connected to familiar words and/or ideas.
The CLASS System From Class Observation Training Participant Guide Effective teacher-child interactions Learn Measure Improve CLASS indicators are scored on a scale from 1-7. Feedback to teachers allows them to participate in the CLASS system of improvement.
Why Use CLASS? The CLASS measure is Research-proven Reliable Valid Scores are predictive of child development. The CLASS measure has tools across ages and grades Infant, Toddler, PK, K-3, Upper Elementary, Secondary From Class Observation Training Participant Guide
Assessors are part of the CLASS registry. Of note: CLASS is being used nationally for state QRIS (Quality Rating Information System) programs. Vermont allows CLASS to be used for STARS. CLASS assessors are Nationally Certified passing tests conducted by Teachstone. Assessors are part of the CLASS registry. CLASS assessors must re-certify annually.