Fire Warden Training University of Guelph
Training Outline Codes why do we have them? Video—No Time to Spare Why we need wardens Wardens on our campus Specific duties Pictures from inspections Video-Burn Demo Extinguishers
Codes-Why have them? 1963-first version of National Fire Code of Canada Ontario adopted their provincial code starting in 1981 Usually updated every 5 or so years Why we have a fire code… …To save lives
Winecoff Hotel-1946— 119 lives lost
Cocoanut Grove-1942— 492 lives lost
Station Nightclub-2003— 100 lives lost
Station Nightclub-2003— 100 lives lost
Codes Every Line in a code is written because something bad has happened.
Video No Time to Spare Demonstrates the need for wardens to help evacuation go as quickly and safely as possible. Average response time—4 to 5 minutes (may be longer, depending hose/hydrant location) Fire Department will arrive to help, but it may be to late…Quick evacuation is the only way to get out safely. NEW Canadians…language barrier, cultural barrier, new sounds, new buildings
Why do we need fire wardens? Required by the OFC through the fire safety plan Monitor work area for fire hazards, and deficiencies Help people during an evacuation Help to keep the University fire safe Be a contact for the building incase there is an issue with the fire & life safety equipment
More on the fire wardens… Each area needs to have at least one fire warden. (more within reason to cover area) The more wardens you have the less work it will be for everyone In some cases the H&S committee is already doing the fire warden duties Not a huge time commitment, but there is a commitment to make your own space fire safe. If your department inhabits an area of a building, you need a fire warden to cover that area.
Warden system across campus The system exists across campus in varying stages of development. In some cases the jobs are being completed, we just need to formalize it Some people believe they are wardens, but there is no formal list The need to identify a “chief warden” to be a primary contact for the building
Specific duties of a fire warden During a Fire Alarm: Announce that everyone must evacuate Direct occupants to closest exit Close all doors on the way out Help anyone with mobility/visual impairment to a safe location Report findings to responding officials NEVER put yourself at risk You can enter the building once the bells stop ringing… You do not have to wait for an all clear anymore ***COME BACK IN WHEN ALARMS STOP RINGING***
Specific duties of a fire warden During the month: Check the fire extinguishers in your area Be aware of the fire safety equipment in your area, and be aware when something changes Exit light burnt out Extinguisher missing Blocked exit ways/hallways Excessive storage Blocked pull stations/hose cabinets
Importance of closing doors
Do not wedge doors open
Pictures from inspections
Pictures from inspections
Pictures from inspections
Pictures from inspections
Pictures from inspections
Pictures from inspections There was a sign posted above this giving directions to the electrical panel, so that you could reset the breaker when it tripped….
Extinguishers How to check an extinguisher (monthly): Make sure it is there Look at gauge Look for damage Ensure access is unobstructed Sign tag
Extinguishers How to use an extinguisher: P—pull the pin A—aim the nozzle S—Squeeze the handle S—Sweet back and forth