Luke - Christ as Savior Welcome to New Testament Picture Scripture! This is an attempt at aiding you in learning the chapter content of the entire New Testament. The pictures will aid your memory. Many of them are quite strange as we tend to remember that which is different. The pictures are not meant to be irreverent but rather just a memory device whose purpose is to allow people to learn the word of God more easily, effectively and in a more long term manner. The pictures were drawn by Jacquie Jensen. Return to Biblical Studies Go Gordon
Luke – Christ as Savior You can navigate by the side frame or bottom next/previous buttons. If you go full screen just click to get to the next chapter, right click to go to previous and the Escape key will bring you back the navigation screen. If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints please feel free to let me know. Ted Hildebrandt, Gordon College, 255 Grapevine Rd. Wenham, MA 01984 ( This material is copyrighted but may be used with permission. Return to Biblical Studies Go Gordon
Luke 1 John Baptist’s Birth, Mary
Luke 2 Birth, Simeon, Shepherds, Jesus Stays Behind
Luke 3 John’s Baptism, Genealogy
Luke 4 Temptation, Reads Scroll, Peter’s Mother-In-Law
Luke 5 Fishing All Night, Leper, Forgives Sin, Levi, Fastless Disciples
Luke 6 Lord of Sabbath, Calls Disciples, Sermon on the Mount
Luke 7 Centurion’s Servant, Widow’s Son, John Baptist’s Question, Alabaster
Luke 8 Parables of Kingdom, Calms Sea, Demoniac, Woman with an Issue, Jairus’ Daughter
Luke 9 Sends 12, 5000, Peter-(Rock)-Satan, Transfiguration, Hard Demon, Fire from Heaven?
Luke 10 Sends 72, Good Samaritan, Mary & Martha Receive Jesus
Luke 11 Lord’s Prayer, Beelzebub, Sign of Jonah, Washing-Woes
Luke 12 Unforgivable Sin, Pharisees’ Leaven, Rich Fool, Worriless Lilies, Readiness Parable
Luke 13 Falling Tower-Repent, Cripple Woman, Expanding Kingdom, Narrow Gate, Lament for Jerusalem
Luke 14 Banquet Refusals, Counting the Cost, Sitting at a Banquet
Luke 15 Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Prodigal Son
Luke 16 Hustling Servant, Lazarus & Rich Man
Luke 17 Forgiveness, 10 Lepers, End Times
Luke 18 Unjust Judge, Prayer of Pharisee & Sinner, Children, Rich Young Ruler, Blindman
Luke 19 Zacchaeus, Talent, Colt, Palm Sunday, Lament for Jerusalem
Luke 20 By What Authority? Wicked Tenants, Tribute to Caesar? Resurrection, David’s Son
Luke 21 Widow’s Mite, Olivet Discourse (End Times)
Luke 22 Passover, Greatest? Gethsemane, Betrayal, Peter’s Denial
Luke 23 Pilate, Herod, Barabbas, Simon Cyrenean, Crucifixion
Luke 24 Resurrection, Emmaus Road
Luke – Christ as Savior Thanks for viewing the chapter content of Luke in Picture format. This is the end of the book of Luke and of this presentation. Return to Biblical Studies Go Gordon