Sophie Stickland Computers 8 Nutrition Sophie Stickland Computers 8
Fats Fat is a component in food Fat develops brain and nervous system 30% of your daily calories from fat Sources : butter , oil , nuts , meats , Types : -saturated (in meat and animal products) -unsaturated (in plant foods and fish) -trans (in processed foods and store bought) Provides energy Helps body grow
Protein Builds muscles and organs Two Types : -incomplete ( 9 essential amino acids) -complete ( lacks amino acids) Repairs body tissue Sources : meat , nuts , dairy products Two to three servings a day Produces hormones which body uses Regulates body process
Carbohydrates Fuels your muscles and mind Essentials like vitiamins , minerals and fiber 45-50% of daily in take Digested in your body to you sugars Types : -simple (simple sugars) -complex ( 3 or more linked sugars) Fuel muscles and mind Without carbs feel light headed
Vitimins Types water soluble fat soluable Organic components in food Vitimins include : vitimin A,E,D,K Sources : Meats and fish Vegatables Dairy Some vitimins like vitmin don’t stay Help growth Maintain a good health
Minerals Minerals are natural compounds Needed in small amounts Helps body function and stay strong Types Macrominerals (needed in high quantities) Trace minerals (needed in small amounts) Types : vegetables ,pills , seafoods Iron ,calcium ,potassium , sodium are essentials Scientists aren’t sure of daily intake
Water No taste , smell or calories Is a vitual element for all life forms No living thing can live without it A human must consume 2.5 liters Covers 80% of the world Body would stop working without it Sources: Any juicy vegetables Juicy fruits
Fiber Helps with constipation Types: Soluble fiber (does dissolve in water) Insoluble fiber (doesn`t dissolve in water) Lowers cholesterol Fiber is found in plants Important to include both kinds of fiber 2 types of fibers are needed Sources : Whole grains , fruits , nuts