TOPOLOGI Point-to-point and bandwidth dedicated. High speed Minimum delay
ANTENNA TYPE Parabolic Section Offset Feed at focal point Parabolic Contour Parabolic Reflector Feed Horn at focal point of the parabola Focal Feed Offset Ellipsoid subreflector at focal point of the parabola Hyperboloid subreflector at focal point of the parabola Cassegrain Gregorian
BAGIAN BAGIAN ANTENA Reflector Sub reflector (pada antena hub) Feedhorn Feed support Reflector support Canester (pada antena remote)
PARTS OF ANTENNA 1.Reflector 2.Sub Reflector 3.Horn 4.OMT 5.LNA Switch 6.Diplexer 7.Coupler 8.Wave guide
HPA Parameters : nGain Amplifier nOuput Power nBandwidth nVSWR (Voltage standing Wave Ratio) nOBO : 3 dB Driver Amplifier Final Amplifier Attenuator Design SSPA two Stage amplifiers, Driver Amplifier and Final Amplifier using transistor Amplifier High Power Amplifier
LNA GaAsFET FET NF=0,85 dB G = 11,5 dB FET NF=1,1 dB G = 11,5 dB BIPOLAR NF= 5,5 dB G = 32 dB RF output isolator RF input GaAsFET : Galium Arsenid Field Effect Transistor Low Noise Amplifier
Parameter LNA 1. Noise Temperature ( K) 2. Bandwidth BW = 500 MHz 3. Penguatan Daya (Gain) Gain = dB 4.Noise Figure = 0,5 - 1 dB Noise Figure : Perbandingan nilai SNi dengan SNo Low Noise Amplifier
Fungtion Up Converter lTo Convert Intermediate Frequency (IF) signal to Radio Frequency (RF) Signal. lTo give Gain/Amplifier RF Signal. lTo do frequency synthesizing for transmit to the number satellite transponder. Up Converter
lTo Covert Radio Frequency (RF) Signal to Intermediate Frequency (IF) Signal. lTo Give Gain/Amplifier IF Signal. lTo do frequency synthesizing for receive from the number satellite transponder. Fungsi Down Converter Down Converter
Cross Polarization DEFINITION: Interference caused by signal from orthogonal polarization CAUSES: Misadjustment on angle polarizer at antenna Antenna mispointing Excessive power
Cross Polarization Rx Ver Tx Hor Rx Hor Tx Ver MIX 6 Ghz 4 Ghz 6 Ghz Lo H Lo V VER HOR d SIGNAL OUT (HORN) HOR VER ISOLASI POLARISASI d = dELTA Lo H dengan Lo V VER HOR
Cross Polarization HOW TO CORRECT CPI Reference CPI : >= 30 dB (Standard) ACTIONS : 1.Repointing the antenna to face up to satellite properly 2.Adjusting antenna polarizer to correct angle to get cpi >=30 db at ref. e/s Be noted that periodic adjustment is needed to maintain the CPI level
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