In-Class Review Chapters 14-16
Chapter 14- North American Tribes Focus on knowing the names of the Native American Tribes in North America Hopewell Mississippian Iroquois Plains Indians Anasazi
Chapter 14- Meso- and South America Mesoamerica South America Toltec Brought metalworking to Mesoamerica Aztec Capital: Tenochtitlan Most important commodity: blood Floating islands used for agriculture (chinampas) Nazca Known for massive shapes called Nazca lines Inca Capital: Cusco Used quipu (knotted cords) for record keeping Road network improved communication
Chapter 15- Renaissance Niccolo Machiavelli Famous work: The Prince Theories: leader’s main goal is staying in power Morality and ethics not related to politics “It is better to be feared than loved, but never hated Split into two sections: Political Cultural/Artistic Major Italian city-states Venice Milan Florence Papal States Kingdom of Naples (only hereditary monarchy)
What would be the effect of more books being available to people? Chapter 15- Renaissance Humanism most important concept to know Father of humanism: Petrarch Dante Alighieri – Divine Comedy Written in vernacular (why?) Humanist education based on creating “well-rounded citizens” More printed works coming from printing press What would be the effect of more books being available to people?
Chapter 15- Renaissance Know major art techniques, mediums, and artists Techniques Perspective Medium Fresco Artists Michelangelo Leonardo da Vinci Be sure to go back and review definitions and famous works (flashcards help)
Chapter 16- Reformation in Europe Biggest issues with Church: Priests unqualified Church too greedy Biggest problem: selling indulgences Most vocal critic was Martin Luther Arguments against the church published as the 95 Theses Led to Luther’s arrest (Diet of Worms) Edict of Worms: Luther excommunicated and sentenced to death Escaped and published Bible in German Teachings became known as Lutheransim
Chapter 16- Reformation in Europe Lutheranism Salvation = faith alone Rejected most sacraments No priests (pastors could marry) Pope not recognized as leader Other Protestants formed own beliefs John Calvin- Calvinism Predestination- God already knows who will be saved and who will be damned English Calvinists called Puritans
Chapter 16- Reformation in Europe England was unique Religious reform because of political reasons King Henry VIII Wanted annulment from wife; could not because of Catholic beliefs Broke away from the Church Act of Supremacy (1524)- King made head of the new Anglican Church Allowed him to confiscate church lands and monasteries