Define key terms by using them in an original sentence using frames English 2p Objectives: Agenda: Students will be able to: Define key terms by using them in an original sentence using frames vocabulary 4-squares
12 Angry Men
deliberate – verb deliberation - noun Definition: to consider carefully; to ponder EXAMPLE SENTENCE: I was deliberating over whether I should go to Disneyland because it costs so much money. YOUR TURN: People often deliberate over _____________ because ____________.
Motive - noun Definition: a reason for doing something EXAMPLE SENTENCE: The girl’s motive for getting into the fight was unclear, but most people thought it was because she was jealous. YOUR TURN: One motive for stealing is ________________________________.
Alibi - noun Definition: an excuse to get out of something; used by an accused person to show that he or she could not have committed the crime EXAMPLE SENTENCE: The boy’s alibi was suspicious because it didn’t make sense. Too many people saw him even though his alibi suggests otherwise. YOUR TURN: The criminal’s alibi was that he/she ___________________________.
testimony - noun Definition: a “truthful” declaration made by a witness under oath, used as evidence EXAMPLE SENTENCE: The girl’s testimony made the jury cry because it was so sad. YOUR TURN: A testimony should be truthful because __________________________.
premeditated - adjective Definition: something planned beforehand EXAMPLE SENTENCE: It was a premeditated homicide because the man came with a gun in his pocket. YOUR TURN: It was clear that it was a premeditated homicide because ________________________________.
unanimous - adjective Definition: agreed upon by everyone; sharing the same point of view EXAMPLE SENTENCE: The club decided not to order the new shirts because the vote was not unanimous. YOUR TURN: It had to be a unanimous vote by the __________ or else ___________.
bigot - noun Definition: a prejudiced person who is intolerant of an opinions differing from his or her own EXAMPLE SENTENCE: The man was a bigot who would not listen to anyone else speak. YOUR TURN: No one liked the bigot because she ___________________.
Beyond a reasonable doubt (phrase used in the legal system) Definition: when there is no doubt, in a reasonable person’s mind, that the defendant is guilty SENTENCE: The evidence was so convincing that the criminal was, beyond a reasonable doubt, guilty.