Telegrams to Tweets: Social Media in Social Studies
Description Engage students in their medium. Social Media participants interact with social media, i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube to teach students to think critically by analyzing social media as a primary source.
hello! WE ARE PEGGY O’NEILL-JONES, Ed. D. KELLY JONES-WAGY, M.A. Western Region Director, Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Program KELLY JONES-WAGY, M.A. Social Studies Teacher, Overland High School, Aurora, CO We are here because think primary sources are powerful teaching tools and that primary source pedagogy can be applied to social media.
“ “This, [television] all this, is language and vocabulary the likes of which the world has never seen.” Robert McNamara, 1963 Kelly
Objectives Learn to distinguish between media forms, traditional and social media channels and how they connect to learning. Examine ways which you can use social media to engage students in historical thinking and inquiry. Leave with ideas for using social media and primary sources to engage learners. Pegggy
1. Social Media Social media is changing the way students interact with the world and the cognitive skills they need going forward.
Social Media: How we got here. Change Over Time Traditional Media Interactive Media Social Media Peggy
2. Traditional Media Traditional media channels have assimilated into our everyday lives over the past hundred years and are as comfortable as opening the refrigerator.
Traditional Media Traditional Channels Medium Audio Radio Images Newspapers, books, magazines Motion Media Video, Film, Animation Text Newspapers, Letters, Journals, Manuscripts
3. Interactive Media Traditional media allows the author to control the presentation. Interactive media turns over some of that control to the audience.
Interactive Media Interactive media is another way to tell a story that gives the audience varying degrees of control over content access and presentation.
4. Social Media Modes or platforms of communication utilizing digital technologies that encourage multi-party participation and promote a sense of shared online community. Examples include Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google and other similar technologies.
Social Media Medium Traditional Channels Social Media Channels Audio Radio iTunes Images Newspapers, books, magazines Instagram Motion Media Video, Film, Animation YouTube Text Newspapers, Letters, Journals, Manuscripts Twitter, Word Press Peggt
Analyzing Primary Sources and Social Media Critical Thinking Analysis Social Media
Social Media as a Primary Source Social media posts are often artifacts or first- hand accounts, representative of the time within which they are written. As such, they are often primary sources Tweet from Pakistan when Osama Bin Laden was captured. reddit image of government shutdown YouTube video SNL Kelly
Differences Between Primary Sources and Social Media First Speed of information and context Second Historic primary sources have context and hindsight. Social media still needs whatever context is available. Third Abundant, real-time information Lack of filter, vetting, and editing between social media producers and consumers
Primary Source Analysis Observe Reflect Question
Primary Source Analysis HISTORIC TELEGRAM
Primary Source Analysis SOCIAL MEDIA TWEET Twitter Death of Osama Bin Laden
What is different? What is the same? DISCUSSION What is different? What is the same?
Primary Source Analysis Observe Reflect Question
Primary Source Analysis HISTORIC IMAGE
Primary Source Analysis SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE Reddit
What is different? What is the same? DISCUSSION What is different? What is the same?
Primary Source Analysis Observe Reflect Question
Primary Source Analysis HISTORIC FILM
Primary Source Analysis SOCIAL MEDIA VIDEO
DISCUSSION What is different? What is the same? How can you use this in your classroom? What changes do you feel you need to make?
Social Media Consumers Critical consumers seek out multiple perspectives and apply critical thinking skills such as author intent and bias, recognize their own perspective and bias understand how that influences what they read and produce.
Filter Bubbles
Social Media Producers Social media can make anyone an instant producer using multiple media formats by posting images to Instagram, text to Facebook, or video to YouTube. Social media footprints are never erased. They remain in cyberspace and in the case of Twitter, they are archived at the Library of Congress.
Let’s review some concepts Social Media Social media is changing the way students interact with the world and the cognitive skills they need going forward. Media Evolution Traditional to interactive to social media. Primary Sources Social media posts are often artifacts or first-hand accounts, representative of the time within which they are written. As such, they are often primary source Historic v. Current Historic primary sources have context and hindsight. Social media primary sources are abundant and real-time. Often lacks filter, vetting, and editing. Consumers Critical social media consumers apply critical thinking skills before they accept the information. Producers Critical social media producers seek out multiple perspectives and apply critical thinking skills before they post. Peggy
thanks! Presentation URL ANY QUESTIONS? Presentation URL You can find us at: Peggy O’Neill-Jones - Kelly Jones-Wagy - Linda Sargent Wood -
Citations Abadie, A. C. (Ed.). (1903). Emigrants [i.e. immigrants] landing at Ellis Island. United States: Thomas A. Edison, Inc. Athar, S. (2011, May 1). Twitter. Retrieved from Hernandez, B. A. (2011, May 1). Timeline: how news of Osama Bin Laden’s death unfolded on twitter. Retrieved from reddit. (2013). Please Open the Government. Retrieved from Saturday Night Live. (2017, February 5). Melissa McCarthy Channels Sean Spicer on SNL. Retrieved from Waples, Karen. Questions for Media Websites. (personal communication, August 2014) Zimdars, M. (2016, November 18). False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and/or Satirical “News” Sources. Retrieved from (1939) Announcing state of war with Germany. England London, 1939. Sept. 7. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Photographs by Unsplash & Death to the Stock Photo (license) Dark wood background by The pattern library