Benefit of having a pet
Service animals
AKC - Golden Retreiver, Chihuahua, Airdale, Beagle, Doberman Pinsher, Dalmation, Border Collie
Enrichment dog, rabbit, hamster, cat, ferret
Behavior Dominant Defensive Submissive
Agitated, Alert, Relaxed,Curious https://www. bing. com/videos/search
Ethology – Study of animal behavior Ethogram – tool used to measure animal behavior
Learning Theories – Pavlov - Conditioning
Skinner – Operant Behavior Operant conditioning (sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning) is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior. For example, when a lab rat presses a blue button, he receives a food pellet as a reward, but when he presses the red button he receives a mild electric shock. As a result, he learns to press the blue button but avoid the red button.
trial-and-error learning Learning in which an animal comes to associate particular behaviours with the consequences they produce. This tends to reinforce the behaviour (i.e. the behaviour is likely to be repeated if the consequences are pleasant, but not if they are unpleasant). Such learning is believed to involve a process of classical conditioning followed by operant conditioning.
Observational Learning Imprinting Newly hatched birds or newborn mammals learn to follow the first object they see
Clicker Training In clicker training you watch for the behavior you like, mark the instant it happens with a click, and pay off with a treat. The treat may be food, a pat, praise, or anything else the learner enjoys. If a primary reinforcer (like food) is used, the animal will become conditioned to repeat the action that produces the food.
Luring a lure is used to produce a behavior but a reward is used to reinforce the behavior
Learning Theory Training with food as a reward to get movement – Primary Reinforcement – Uses positive and negative reinforcement – Pavlov Training Theory –
Entrepanuer vs. Placement Jobs Groomer at Petco, Start your own groomer shop, dog trainer at Petco, Start your own dog walking business, stablehand, Breeding dogs for sale, breeding rodents for sale
Spay Neuter Anatomy Anatomy Spay, Neuter, Vas Deferens, Epididymis, Uterus, Vulva, Cervix, Seminal Vesicles
Names Horse, Rabbit, Dog, Cat Bitch Queen Gelding Kit
House Break a dog Crate Wee-Wee pads
Behavior Problems Dog, Cat, horse, bird Marking - urinate in spots to “mark” territory Mutilating – biting or chewing until damage to skin (feather plucking) Separation issues – Stressed when owner leaves Cribbing – Puts teeth on solid object and sucks in air
Dog, Cat, Horse, Bird Feline – cat Equine – horse Canine – dog Avian - bird
Domestication Domestication, the process of hereditary reorganization of wild animals and plants into domestic and cultivated forms according to the interests of people.
FFA – Future farmers of America FFA is structured into a degree program that rewards active FFA members for progress in all phases of leadership, skills and occupational development. The Discovery FFA Degree, the Greenhand FFA Degree and the Chapter FFA Degree are awarded at the chapter level. State associations award top members with the State FFA Degree. The highest degree, the American FFA Degree, is conferred upon an elite group of members at the national level.
Rights vs Welfare Animal Rights – Should not use animals for any purpose Animal Welfare – Can use animals as long as they are treated properly
Definitions Disease – Zoonotic disease – Gestation – Artificial insemination Hind gut fermenter -
Olfactory System
Field of Vision
Gestation Dogs – 63 days Cats – 63 days Ferret – 38-44 days Rabbit – 31 days Hamster – 16-20 days Horse – 1 year