Welcome to Room 5!
Daily School Schedule 8:15 homework check; attendance; lunch count; morning review 8:50 Language Arts 9:20 P.E. 9:40 Language Arts 10:00-10:15 Recess 10:15 Math
12:45 Centers/Reading Groups 1:25 Language Arts 11:00 Science/ History 11:40-12:20 Lunch 12:25 Writing 12:45 Centers/Reading Groups 1:25 Language Arts 1:50 Review homework/Clean up 2:00 Dismissal Our start and stop time will be changing on Oct. 8th. School will start at 8:30 and end at 2:20 p.m. Our class schedule will change accordingly.
We will be going to the library once a week for 30 minutes. Our current day is Friday. Please help your child remember to bring his/her book back every Friday. We will be doing art twice a month. We have a wonderful program called Arts Attack that the kids love.
Our school owns 30 net books and we will be using them frequently in the classroom, along with our 7 class computers. We will also be piloting BYOD. There will be a parent meeting on Oct. 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the ERC Board Room at the District Office for all those who would like more information.
Common Core This year is a transition year from state standards to Common Core standards. Common Core will be fully implemented in 2014-2015. Common Core is all about depth and complexity versus exposure to new concepts. Four C’s: creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, communication Mrs. Lindsay will be hosting informational meetings throughout the year. There is an informational sheet on your desk.
Homework Students must read 20 min. every night. Reading is the number one thing your child can do to be successful. Students will also be responsible for practicing flashcards every night for at least 10 min. Your child will have a review math assignment to do online at www.tenmarks.com each week.
Students have time to start assignments in class 99% of the time Students have time to start assignments in class 99% of the time. Many finish. Those who don’t must take it home as homework. Lack of homework results in quiet time during recess to complete the missing work. This includes missing reading logs, and students who don’t know their facts when we start memorizing flashcards. We go over any work that may become homework together at the end of the day. A list of the homework assignments for the week is also available online at our website. You can find the spelling list, parent letters, educational websites, upcoming events, and project information there, too. http://www.santeesd.net//Domain/724
Notes on Student Work Please Correct and Return – Student should correct the page right away and turn it back in the next school day. He/she will receive the higher grade instead of a C- or below, and get the extra practice s/he needed. Parent Signature – This is to keep you informed if your child receives below a C on a quiz or test.
Behavioral System- The Step Program Warning No morning recess and possibly writing about appropriate behavior Student will call home or work and inform you about his/her inappropriate behavior Referral to the principal’s office In or out of school suspension
REWARDS Praise 15 * = Prize Box Trip Cougar Card Good Behavior Party Free play Fun Friday
Help, Please! Make sure your child arrives to school each day on time and prepared. Not in line by 8:15 = tardy Please bring in only healthy treats for birthdays and class parties.
Fall Halloween Night will be on Oct. 25th from 5 – 8 p. m Fall Halloween Night will be on Oct. 25th from 5 – 8 p.m. There will be a haunted house, trick-or-treating, a costume parade, silent auction and food! Visit the Book Fair in the media center. Our class has a book wish list. Please leave a note for your student on the star piece of paper. Put the paper underneath the nametag.
Questions? Email: summer.tracy@santeesd.net Phone: 619-956-5425 Website: http://www.santeesd.net//Domain/724 Student help? I’m available before school at 7:45 am and after school until 2:30 pm. Thanks for Coming!!