EUROSTAT ON SOCIAL MEDIA Baiba GRANDOVSKA Press Office Luxembourg, 14 March 2018
Accounts Own accounts: Twitter and Facebook Eurostat content on other accounts: European Commission corporate accounts Staff accounts Shares from the website News accounts
Eurostat Twitter Account name: EU Eurostat Active since 2011 Short messages, up to 140 characters Pictures, videos, links
Eurostat Twitter Contents: Eurostat news and announcements news releases news items publications other new Eurostat products, e.g. infographics events (e.g. conferences, presentations)
@EU_Eurostat top tweets so far this year
Eurostat Twitter
Eurostat Twitter
Eurostat Facebook Account name: Eurostat (@EurostatStatistics) Open 11 January 2017 general public (would I share this on my personal account?) 1-2 posts per day
Eurostat Facebook Informative and entertaining contents that general public can relate to: Visualisations Snippets from articles, publications Statistical literacy products Some innovative projects/events that could appeal to non-specialists
Eurostat Facebook Today: 12K page follows We listen and reply!
Maja Islam Eurostat Digital dissemination ESS Social media Maja Islam Eurostat Digital dissemination
ESS Facebook page Launched in 11/ 2016 as a DIGICOM pilot Validated as a permanent ESS dissemination platform in February 2018
ESS Facebook page Objectives Attract light and potential users from across Europe Monitor users' needs Promote the ESS and European statistics Build capacities within the ESS through piloting innovative practices and sharing
65% 13-34
ESS Facebook page Impact of paid promotion on… Post Higher reach More engagement Page Steeper increase of followers More followers in target age group
ESS Facebook page Impact of viral content on… Post Reached 310 000 users 1 261 shares 1 465 comments: 141 on page, 1 324 elsewhere Page Around 1 000 new followers in the week after publication
ESS Facebook page Lessons learned Keep your mission in mind Simple copies and content The right content at the right time can have a huge impact – greater than use of paid promotion Much to learn about users through monitoring the analytics and engaging in a conversation with users on your page and their pages
ESS Facebook page What makes for good Facebook content? Visually appealing Figures presented are easy to interpret Triggers conversation Triggers curiosity Relatable Actionable
ESS Facebook page Next steps Focus on topical, visual content Use paid promotion and targeting Pilot emerging innovative practices by using an external consultant Virtual and physical events to enable ongoing exchange and foster learning and apacity building
European Statistics User Forum Pilot launched in January 2018 Discussions launched by Eurostat and NSI staff involved in DIGICOM WP1
European Statistics User Forum Which social network do you think would be most appropriate for conversations between statistics users and producers?
European Statistics User Forum Objective enabling engagement between advanced users of statistics and statistics producers on salient statistical topic
European Statistics User Forum First topics launched: Food Price Monitoring Tool (experimental statistics) Income, Consumption and Wealth (experimental statistics) EU-SILC Scientific use files (microdata) Multinational enterprise groups and their structure (experimental statistics) Contact