Summer School– Board Presentation Lodi Unified Summer School– Board Presentation February 20, 2018 Lisa Kotowski Jose Maciel NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
Executive Summary Summer School Overview: FY-2013-14: LUSD Board of Education approves Credit Recovery Summer School Program. Bear Creek & Tokay host summer school after an absence of 5 years from the district. Summer 2014: Student demand for summer school exceeds course offerings. SS operates at full capacity. Summer 2015: Program size & budget is increased to accommodate student demand. Advancement & Elective Credit offered for first time in Summer Program. SS enrollment peaks. Summer 2016: SS program maintains enrollment from previous year. Summer 2017: SS program experienced slight decrease in enrollment. Can be attributed to the new APEX Credit Recovery Program offered during the 2016-17 School Year. Summer Year: # of Sections: Enrollment: 2014 32 1,155 2015 44 1,340 2016 41 1,332 2017 35 1,261
Summer School: Board Policy The Board of Education recognizes that summer school provides valuable opportunities for students to improve their basic skills and make academic progress. Summer programs offered by the district shall be aligned with the district’s local control and accountability plan (LCAP), other applicable district and school plans, and the educational program provided during the school year. When feasible, summer programs shall blend high-quality academic instruction in core curricular and/or elective subjects with recreation, nutrition programs, social and emotional development, and support services that encourage attendance, student engagement in learning, and student wellness. As appropriate, priority for enrollment in summer school programs may be given to district students in grades 9-11 who: Need course credits in order to graduate from high school before the beginning of the next school year Have been retained or are at risk of being retained at their grade level Demonstrate academic deficiencies in core curriculum areas
LUSD Summer School Program: Student Opportunities SS –Priority Enrollment: 9 -11 Grade Students in need of Credit Recovery SS -Open Enrollment: Credit Advancement Grade Replacement Credit Recovery Non-Graduating Seniors: Lincoln Tech. Summer Credit Recovery Program
LUSD Summer School: Program Design Summer School Instruction: 2 Semester Course = 24 S.S. -Instructional Days 1 Semester Course = 12 S.S. - Instructional Days 1 instructional Day = 7.5 days of Reg. School Instruction Student Attendance: 1 absence allowed per SS semester 3 tardies = 1 absences Staff: Approx. 40 credential Teachers 6 counselors 2 Site Administrators 7 Classified Support Staff 4 Registrars 1 District Coordinator
LUSD Summer School Program: Timeline Summer School Planning: Fall Identify School Sites & Facilities Counselor & Principal Mtgs. Feedback Course Selection: Fall Identify Student Need – Credit Recovery Advancement Electives Student Registration: Early Spring Staff: Spring /Summer Hiring Training Placement First Day of School Late Registrations / Walk-in’s welcomed Backfill Sections Reflection / Recommendations:
Summer School – 2018 Course Offerings: *English 9 English 10 English 11 Govt. & Econ World Geo. English High School Math Integrated Math -1 Integrated Math -2 Math Earth /Phy. Science World Hist. US History Sci.- Soc.Sci. Art - 1 PE – 1 & 2 Elective *English 9 – Course with the highest SS demand *Course Highlighted in Red Offered for Credit Advancement
Summer School Enrollment: Grade Distribution
LUSD Summer School Program: Planning & Implementation Reflection / Recommendations for Summer 2018: “Priority Registration Window” for credit recovery students only: Feb. 2nd – March 2nd. “Open Enrollment” – Starts: March 5th / Registration Deadline: May 7th Effective 2018, non-passing Summer School grades will-not be reflected on student transcript. Summer School will only record & report passing grades. Implement Aeries Parent Portal for home-to-school communication Students requesting site transfer may register at site of choice during Open Enrollment period – starting March 5th.
Summer school Board Presentation February 20, 2018