J.R.R. TOLKIEN 1982-1973
J.R.R. TOLKIEN Born in South Africa, moving to England after death of his father From age of 12, raised as ward of a Catholic priest Educated at Oxford, where he would later teach Old and Middle English language and literature Served in WWI
J.R.R. TOLKIEN The Hobbit (1937) originated from fantasy stories he told his four children Lord of the Rings (1954) grew from The Hobbit is considered a foundational work in “fantasy fiction” LotR sold more than 50 million copies in approximately 30 languages by the year 2000
C.S. LEWIS 1898-1963
C.S. LEWIS Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland Studied at Oxford and was professor of Medieval and Renaissance English in Oxford Served in WWI Converted from atheism to Christianity and became a member of the Anglican Church after strong influence of Tolkien Wrote Christian apologetics, such as Mere Christianity, and fantasy fictions, such as The Chronicles of Narnia