The river banks in Lyon 1. Problem: during the 20th century traffic and parking slots progressively invaded the river banks. Objective of the project: create an urban park to restore environment, facilitate soft transportation (pedestrian, bicycles) and host leisure activities. 2. Embodiment: City Council appointed private operators (architects etc) to define and realize the project with public funding. 3. Duration: 5 years (2002-2007) 4. Outcome: after some inconvenience during construction, the city landscape completely changed, opening up an easy-access recreation area for all citizens.
Pictures from Grand Lyon Before: 1800 parking slots. After: 1200 parking slots underneath a 10 hectares urban park. Pictures from Grand Lyon
Ideas to be kept for our ideal city. Playgrounds and open public spaces: Quality of life. Natural spaces home to beavers: Environment. Floating restaurants: Social link and economy. Ideas to be kept for our ideal city. Expositions and happening: Culture. Cycling tracks: Soft transportation.