Ender’s Game Theme By Neel Patel
What is a theme?
Theme Theme: The meaning behind or a moral of a story that is indirectly told by the author.
What is the Theme for Ender’s Game?
Theme of Skill and Strength In Ender’s Game, the protagonist, Andrew “Ender” Wiggin was often bullied and had many conflicts against other characters for being “different”. Most of these people were jealous because Ender was equally smart as he was strong. That would make him a good commander to lead an army, which is exactly why he was born in the first place. Ender had two older siblings that were smart enough, but didn’t end up being the right one. Peter, Ender’s oldest brother wasn’t chosen because he was too crazy and his older sister, Valentine wasn’t chosen either because she was too nice. Ender, however was just the right amount. He ended up going to “Battle School” at the age of six and quickly ranked up and ended up becoming a leader of the army he was in when he joined .Because of his rapid growth, he was bullied and was isolated but ended up winning every time.
Example The reason Ender even exists was because of Peter and Valentine almost being perfect. The military told Ender’s parents to have a third child (which is very uncommon) so that Ender can lead an army to eradicate “buggers” which are insect-like aliens that had conflicts with humans many years before the story takes place in (which is in the future). Ender had won all battles, competitions and conflicts against other characters using both his skill and strength. Ender wouldn’t even be alive if he wasn’t smart or strong.
Bullying Throughout the novel, Ender gets bullied and has many conflicts. One of the first times is when he gets bullied by a boy named Stilson. Ender was getting teased and it ended up getting worse because they started a fight. It quickly ended and Ender was the victor. That showed the readers that although Ender may have looked weak, he really wasn't and was both mentally and physically strong.
Battle School After the fight against Stilson, Ender went to Battle School. However, he had soon realized that he wasn't like the other “Launchies” or new recruits. He was mostly silent and made enemies, such as Bernard. Once again, Ender had used his strength and skill to end the conflict. One thing that Ender did a lot was play “The Mind Game”, a game that isn’t understood exactly by the creators, yet Ender had scored the highest on this game and learnt more about Buggers, which helped him out a lot throughout the novel.
Conclusion In conclusion, the theme of Ender's Game is strength and skill because he literally wouldn't be alive in the first place and made him a commander to lead “The Third Invasion”.